Kollel Yungerman Transforms Peoples’ Lives Through Martial Arts


We are a generation that deals with unprecedented challenges. Adults struggle with the stresses of life that come along with today’s face paced world and high maintenance lifestyles. It is our youth however, that are taking the brunt of these difficulties. Children are suffering from the full spectrum of emotional and behavioral disorders. Our teenagers, lacking a healthy self-esteem, are looking for validation in all the wrong places. Emotional stability and inner calm are rear commodities these days.
IMG_0411As you walk though our neighborhoods and Daven in our Shuls, you cannot but notice the state of our physical health, or the lack of it. It seems that we are getting sick, overweight, and aging faster than ever before. Young men and women are living with bodies befitting the elderly. Bad posture, aching backs, and weak knees are too common.

IMG_0973What happened to being vibrant, energized human beings?
As painful a reality as it may be, the streets we walk and raise our kids on are becoming less and less safe with every passing day. Jews are being attacked every day across the world with frightening frequency. From the knockout games by street thugs to kidnappings by fanatic extremists, coming back home safely is a prayer we are beginning to take more seriously. Is there some solution, some small Hishtadlus we can call upon to at least help and improve our situation in these areas?
IMG_1008Chaim Mandel, a Kollel guy in Eretz Yisroel, has found a unique way, using his skills and life experiences to address these issues. Chaim has trained intensely in the Martial Arts for over twenty-five years, finding time during breaks between and after Seder. He has researched and analyzed many systems to find the blend that would help people on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. The result of his findings is becoming known as D.I.R.E.C.T. Combatives (Deceptive, and Innovative Responses, Enabling Creative Tactics).
IMG_0948The wisdom buried in this system is truly amazing. Chaim has helped thousands of students to prepare themselves for real-life, self-defense encounters. Over the years many Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Educators, who have heard about Chaim’s work, have referred many of their patients and Talmidim to work with him. The System and teaching style that Chaim specializes in, helps youth and adults alike, deal and overcome challenges that stem from low self-esteem, sensory issues, depression, low muscle tone, ADD, and trauma from past abuse. Chaim has helped many young soldiers prepare for the tough physical and mental challenges of Special Forces Units.
D.I.R.E.C.T. Combatives is one of the few systems that have a therapeutic element to it. None of the movements taught are damaging to the joints, nervous system or the body as a whole. Chaim constantly emphasizes that all your work should be done in a positive and emotionally healthy state. To constantly let your mind and body be flooded with uncontrolled anger and tension is neither tactically smart nor emotionally healthy. “D.I.R.E.C.T. Combative’s movements will heal you and leave you feeling calm and rejuvenated.”

The goals of the D.C. Fitness program are a bit different than those of most other programs out there. “People today are busy chasing good looks”, says Chaim,” all they are really concerned with is to have a good physique.” Having a good body, however, does not necessarily mean you have a healthy body that will stay with you many years down the road. Accumulated tension from incorrect working out and the stresses of life drain your body from precious energy and make you emotionally tense as well. Chaim emphasizes proper posture and breathing to help ensure that you are not damaging yourself while working out.

“Our philosophy is to not idolize and worship the body. We understand that the body is our tool to do good deeds and to make the world a better place. To accomplish this to the best of my ability, I need to keep my body healthy.”
The goal of the D.I.R.E.C.T. Combatives Self-defense system is to teach the student to be spontaneous and creative. Every situation is different and D.I.R.E.C.T. Combatives trains your mind and body to improvise and adapt. “D.I.R.E.C.T. Combatives”, says Chaim, “will take ‘thinking out of the box’ to a new level. Your mind will see opportunity where others see limitation.” D.I.R.E.C.T.

Combative’s training, approaches a situation from three angles: The physical, the psychological, and the emotional.” Developing a high awareness of emotions like fear, anger, and pride”, Chaim believes, “is a critical, yet often overlooked area of training”. Training is taken to a new level with realistic scenario based drills to become familiar with the psychological and emotional dynamics of a fight. Students learn unique breathing patterns in order to achieve a “flow” state of mind where performance is at its highest level and to remain calm and relaxed despite the stress of fear and pain. Chaim believes that a complete and well rounded fighting system should help you become a better, calmer, nobler human being. Not a more aggressive one.

D.I.R.E.C.T. Combatives teaches students how to develop a healthy self-esteem and confidence, that is not based on ego and a haughty self-image. His system works intensely on innovative stress drills designed to condition the mind and body to control the effects of stress on one’s performance and thinking. Many of these drills help the student break through fears and phobias. This sort of training, helps one stay calm not only in fighting, but in life as well. A comprehensive fighting system helping you be victorious in all your battles, both within and from without.
D.I.R.E.C.T. Combatives has gone international. WWW.DirectCombatives.com is a convenient and easy way to learn the system. The entire Self-defense and Fitness Program is available on-line in a clear, step-by-step, and progressive training program. Chaim is inviting you all to join him B’ezras Hashem in his upcoming series of dynamic and exciting seminars in N.Y. and N.J right after Sukkos. ( www.DirectCombatives.com/seminar1 )
Chaim strongly believes that Hashem has guided him through his life experiences and his unique training journey in order to allow him the opportunity to help so many people on so many levels.


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