In All Likelihood, Some Israelis Will Join ISIS

isisFormer Mossad Intelligence Agency Director Ephraim Halevy told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that in all likelihood, some Israeli citizens will join ISIS’ ranks and in all in fact, some probably have already done so. He explained that this is the case in Europe and there is no reason that one should assume it will not occur in Israel.

He warns that this should concern officials more than the ISIS threat across a border and the necessary precautions must be set into place. He added that Israelis working with ISIS can carry out broader based activities with greater ease.

Regarding reports of America and Iranian cooperation, Halevy feels the two are not in agreement at present and it is unlikely that this is going to occur in the future. He adds cooperation is not necessary for Iran will have to fight ISIS anyway since the latter threatens the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Halevy does not expect to see US forces on the ground in Iraq or Syria, adding there are way to accomplish the mission without doing so. He feels the United States is preparing for a number of special long-term operations. He feels the solution will not be instantaneous but long and painful.

The former senior intelligence community official feels the motive is the eradication of ISIS and while US forces will not be on the ground this does not preclude Special Forces operating where necessary to accomplish the mission.

Israeli officials are already concerned that there is an ISIS presence along its southern border, with the terror organization operating out of Sinai.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Misleading article – Israeli ARABS will join ISIS, not Jews. Of course, there’s always Neteurei Karta – I forgot they, unfortunately, live here too & some will say they are Jewish.

  2. Arab Muslims appear to be increasingly seeing IS as their salvation.

    But that helps Israel in two ways.

    First, it pretty much forces Israeli Arabs who are non-Muslims or secular Muslims to support Israel, rather than trying to be neutral.

    Second, it discredits groups such as Hamas in the eyes of the world (remember it is only among Israelis and their friends that Hamas is seen as a bunch of “bad guys”).

  3. Let me understand this…some folks are suggesting that members of certain Chareidi factions would be willing to join ISIS? Would these “members” be the same people against serving in the IMF because it detracts from their learning time?

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