Vote for Andrew Cuomo 2014 – COMMUNICATED CONTENT


11 Responses

  1. “Ve’Hich’rati mi’maich tzaddik v’rosho”

    The Maharsha explains that the vov separates the two, indicating
    tzadikim are punished before – not along with – the reshayim.

    However, perhaps one could alternatively also suggest the following
    re’mazim of the expression “tzaddik v’rosho”:

    The “Vov ha’chibur” suggests a connection between the two, indicating
    that the types of tzaddim punished before the reshayim are (or, at
    least, include) those tzaddikim who have some relationship with the
    reshayim, eg:

    1. Those who are mechubar to, or partner with reshayim (”mechubar
    la’tomei tomei”);

    2. Who praise reshayim (”ish le’fi mehaleloh”);

    3. Who are mechanef (flatter) or support reshayim;

    4. Who are wantonly supported BY them;

    5. Who enable them IN THEIR RISHUS itself;

    6. Who obscure (cover up) their deeds, even actively whitewashing
    their wickedness;

    7. Who overtly provide the veneer of tzidkus for reshayim, or their deeds;

    8. Or those who combine “tzidkus” with rish’us in their own person –
    ie a “tzaddik” who is “also” (or *actually*) a rosho;

    9. Or who combines *actual* tzidkus w/ rishus, magnifying the Chillul HaShem;

  2. We have Gay Marriage “legal” in NYS because of the feckless sellout coward, Dean Skelos! He is a typical worthless dangerous RINO!

  3. im not campaigning for cuomo, however a democrat that supported Israel this summer during the war, when even liberal jews (like wasserman shultz) didnt open their mouth) should be supported

  4. coffeeaddict, as gov. he has ZERO baring on israel however on tuition relief him and the “frum” speaker Shelly Silver they stopped it, so no need now.

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