VIDEO: Kiryas Joel Not allowing Outside Poll Inspectors During Primaries


Orange County election officials have reportedly changed their minds about allowing outside poll inspectors to watch the polls in Kiryas Joel during primaries next week.

News 12 Hudson Valley was given audio recordings by Andrew Buck, a Monroe poll inspector. On the recordings, Orange County Board of Elections Commissioner Susan Bahren is saying she has been told not to allow outside poll inspectors. The move initially came after concerns last year of election fraud.

Bahren says on the recording that the order came from the county attorney’s office, but she refuses to name who it is.

News 12 Hudson Valley went to see Orange County Attorney Langdon Chapman, who said his boss, County Executive Steve Neuhaus, would be the one to talk to about it. Neuhaus’ spokesman, Dain Pascocello, denied off-camera that Neuhaus is involved and said he has no control over election commissioners.

The State Board of Elections says outside poll inspectors are allowed but that’s a local decision. Bahren did not answer News 12’s request for comment.

(Source: News 12)

6 Responses

  1. It puzzles me that the same people who always cry about “התגרות באומות” about everything and anything Israel does, while Israel acts with very fare justification with world affairs, yet they themselves are מתגרה באומות all the time! in their transparent government-milking and neighbor-abusing behavior.

  2. The Kurious Joel community believes they are exempt from the normal rules of society. They can’t have it both ways. The shtetl mentality played out in the 1800’s.

  3. This decision is in compliance with the law. If you don’t like it, well, it’s your right not to like it. Vote for different elected officials that support your view. But obviously a democratic majority of voters have voiced their views on election day and decided these are the type of regulations they support. Feel free to move elsewhere with a different electoral majority.

  4. I can’t fathom the hate. Bros we all know the non satmar don’t want them there period. We also know what “observer” would love to accomplish. The mere fact that till now the satmar did approve this election to have observers, its only when more details were learned that they started lobbying against it. Would anybody here object to have their district voting observers to be let’s say Iranians? Perhaps chinese or russians? I mean lets not be ridiculous and blame our brethren just for the sake of it. We all have to agree that the party accusing the satmar of election fraud has been pursuing legal action on anything possible, which is obvious if by law needs them to have observers the satmars will have them. (Obviously not the case, being they’re attempting to force their will via media which the satmars are used to already.

    Common bros. Its elul after all.

  5. Didn’t you all notice the p’ritzus in the dress of the outsiders?? I don’t blame them for not allowing them in. It’ll kill voter turnout like nothing else.

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