Brooklyn: Cymbrowitz Convinces Property Owner to Meet with Community Leaders to Stop Adult Establishment from Opening Near Yeshiva

cymA rally and press conference scheduled to take place this morning in front of 2067 McDonald Avenue has been cancelled after Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz (D-Brooklyn) was successful in convincing the property owner to meet with community leaders to stop a rumored adult establishment from opening.

Discussions late last night led the owner to agree to the sit-down, Assemblyman Cymbrowitz said.

“Opening the line of communication is an important first step. We’re hopeful that the owner will come to understand that an adults-only establishment is simply not compatible with our neighborhood and is inappropriate in a location where thousands of children go to school each day,” he said.

Assemblyman Cymbrowitz, Community Board 15 Chair Theresa Scavo and other leaders had expressed widespread disapproval of the not-yet-opened business, noting that it posed a serious threat to the quality of life and safety of the community, and were urging the State Liquor Authority (SLA) to reject its liquor license application.

The site was in close proximity to Magen David Yeshivah, McDonald Park, P.S. 215, David Boody Junior High, Coney Island Prep High School and a United Cerebral Palsy facility that serves children.

Assemblyman Cymbrowitz said that New York State law’s “500 foot rule” prohibits new licenses within this radius unless it is in the public’s interest to issue a license. “Since the park, UCP Center and Coney Island Prep are all within the 500-foot radius, and Magen David Yeshivah and other schools sit just outside this radius, the public’s interest clearly will NOT be served by this business. The only influence the business will have is a negative and dangerous one,” he said.

“As Chairman of the Assembly’s Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, I am all too familiar with the negative effects that result from the abuse of alcohol. But you don’t have to be an elected official to know that alcohol and children are a terrible and potentially life-threatening mix,” he said.

Assemblyman Cymbrowitz said he will continue to monitor the issue closely to ensure that the community is satisfied with the resolution.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Owner is an Orthodox Jew. A disgrace to allow this to happen in our community and neighborhood. Everybody should call Cymbrowitz and the NYS alcohol bureau and make your voice known- to not allow a strip club/cabaret/adult entertainment in our backyard on Mcdonald avenue and Kings Highway.

  2. Why am I somehow not surprised that the owner is an Orthodox Jew? I can probably also guess the denomination, but I will publicly remain politically correct. Really sad.

  3. I’m sure some of the members of the community will frequent this joint. Just take a look at some of the “gentlemen” exiting these clubs on 3rd Avenue in Brooklyn. You would think it was a house of worship the number of Hasidishe going to enjoy the “entertainment”.

  4. #4
    There are thousands of jews that work in that area & unfotunatly have to walk by those locations many times. You seem to be focused on those locations way too much & daydreaming too. Get back to work!

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