VIDEO: Slain Islamic State Fighter Worked for Delta Airlines at Minneapolis Airport

downloadAccording to a report from Minnesota Twin Cities FOX affiliate KMSP that aired Tuesday night, Abdirahmaan Muhumed, the second known American killed while fighting for ISIS in Syria, previously worked for Delta Global Services, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Delta Air Lines.

KMSP noted that according to sources, Muhumed’s position with Delta Global Services required a security clearance at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in order gain access to the tarmac and unfettered access to planes.

Muhumed’s employment with Delta Global Services was confirmed by two former employees that acknowledged working with Muhumed.

Muhumed died in the same battle as Douglas McCain, an ISIS fighter also from Minnesota.

(Source –

2 Responses

  1. this is exactly why I say all Arabs/Muslims can not be trusted. how many are there out there that act as moderate Muslims till their cell gets the call to do something?

  2. #1

    ‘ Zeh l’umas Zeh ‘

    Helevai,If only fellow jews would all respond with alacrity,when their “cell gets the call to do something”,
    what would ensue?

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