Melbourne: Hundreds Gather For Australia’s Largest Torah Learning Event

1Over 600 fathers and sons packed the Werdiger Family Hall in Melbourne, Australia this past Motzoei Shabbos for Australia’s largest Torah learning event!

Avos U’bonim is a program run by communities across the world where fathers and sons come together to learn Torah. Many Kehillos in Melbourne run weekly Motzai Shabbos Avos U’bonim programs throughout the winter.

The second-ever Communal Avos U’banim 5774 brought together Avos U’bonim groups and fathers and sons from across our community for an evening of unity and Torah study.
The hall quickly filled up and the buzz of 600 voices learning; chumash, mishna, gemora and chassidus created the most harmonious melody of Limmud HaTorah. Black yarmulkas, knitted kippot, hats and streimels adorned the room in a glorious display of Sheves Achim Gam Yachad. It was sight that had to be seen to be believed.

After nearly an hour of learning Rabbi Arieh Berlin, Rabbi of Shaarei Tefillah welcomed the crowd and shared an inspiring message of Achdus; When Bnei Yisroel travelled through the desert, each tribe camped under its own flag, yet together they formed one people, the nation of Yisroel dedicated to Hashem and His Torah.


This was followed by the awesome recital of Tehillim with 600 voices being led in unison by Rabbi Wurtzberger, Rosh HaKollel of Kollel Beis HaTalmud , Rabbi Moshe Donenbaum of Heichal HaTorah and Rabbi Yonason Johnson, Rosh HaKollel of Kollel Menachem Lubavitch. The program concluded with a grand raffle.

At the end of the night each boy received a cap embroidered with the logo “Achdus Through Torah” with which to remember this unique evening and its message. The boys and fathers who participated felt uplifted and inspired and took great Chizzuk from having participated.

The event received widespread endorsement from our community Rabbonim as well as the Menahalim of the local boys’ schools. Their warm and encouraging words of Divrei Brocha were printed in a souvenir booklet.


This event came together through the vision and tireless effort of a group representing the diverse Kehillos within our greater community. Many local businesses and community members shared their support. A big Yasher Koach goes to all those who helped to make the evening the great success that it was.

We hope that this now annual event will continue to grow with more communities joining on board in the future at Communal Avos Ubonim 5775 which will hopefully take place in Yerushalayim with Moshiach Tzidkeinu, together with all of the Jewish children from around the world.

May this zechus bring Hashem’s blessings to the entire Jewish community of Melbourne and to all Jews throughout the world for a Kesivah Vechasimah Tovah, Leshonah Tovah Umesuka.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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