Jerusalem Court to Convene Thursday on Beit Shemesh School Controversy

bThe Jerusalem Magistrate Court will convene on Thursday 9 Elul in the matter of the Safot U’Tarbuot School which is non-religious and the frum Mishkenos Daas School which seeks to use a number of empty classrooms in that building. Attorney Uri Kedar will represent Beit Shemesh City Hall, which allocated the classrooms to the frum school. The Ministry of Education usurped the mayor’s authority and ousted the girls.

The city is fighting an injunction issued at the behest of the ministry to stop actions towards dividing the school. Beit Shemesh City Hall is calling to open the hearing on location, with the judge seeing the school and just what is involved rather than opening the session in the Jerusalem courthouse.

Kedar feels that seeing the situation is essential towards understanding just what is taking place. The city fears the court will be negatively impacted by the reports in the media, which by and large paint a less than favorable picture of the chareidi community.

Kedar also points out that due to the court order and the ministry’s decision; there are dozens of girls in Beit Shemesh without a school. He cites the ministry decision to ban the girls from the school is not a professional one but perhaps more influenced by the media frenzy.

Kedar cites a case regarding a controversy in a Jerusalem school in which Justice Anna Schneider decided to preempt hearings by an onsite visit, which proved invaluable. He hopes the same will occur in this case.

Kedar feels if the court sees the situation on location it will realize there is no issue of seeking to serve different populations and a visit will disprove allegations the arrangement results in safety deficiencies.

The court is asked to convene the beginning of the hearing on Thursday at 10AM at the Safot U’Tarbuot School in Beit Shemesh, located at 13 Nachal Sorek.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Those who predominate all over, manipulate developments(unfortunate ones as well),stirring their targeted mass(es) to their goals

    For some of us of course it’s obvious

    Connect the dots

  2. The court should direct both sides to back off and use some common sense. Open the school to use by both segments of the community without a “wall” to segregate the kids. Each side should be able to conduct classes as they wish but let the kids enter/exit the building and share common areas such as a lunchroom or playground. The chareidi girls will provide good role models for the secular kids and possibly bring them closer to yiddeshkeit or at a minimum help break down some of the stereotypes.

  3. Naturally,this is being fanned by the media

    Ironically,many froth against the Ha’aretz yet suscribe to other similar mediums

    Are Ynet, Jpost, Walla,etc.,less anti jewish than Haaretz?

    Or just less honest ?

    Could it really the need to lull a different audience with a mite prettier vocabulary ?

    Realize they often preplan and syndicate
    articles together with slight changes each for a different intended demographic?

    iirc The Ha’aretz endorsed Rivlin

    IN other words,they are all in ti together
    and if they or other outlets are publishing something seemingly positive,
    Be Warned!

  4. “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of .. is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”

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