Touro Law Center’s Jewish Law Institute to Host Distinguished Lecturer Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik

TouroTouro Law Center’s Jewish Law Institute will host Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik as the Fall 2014 Distinguished Lecturer on September 4, 2014 at 6:30 pm at the Lander College for Women – the Anna Ruth & Mark Hasten School located at 227 West 60th Street in New York. Rabbi Soloveichik, who is widely known as a leading Jewish thinker, theologian and public intellectual will deliver an address titled, “Jews, Christians and the Hobby Lobby Decision.”

Touro Law Professor and Director of the Jewish Law Institute Samuel J. Levine stated, “Rabbi Soloveichik is a rising star in the Jewish community and beyond. He has developed a reputation as a thoughtful and original commentator on matter of religious and legal significance. Rabbi Soloveichik’s lectures are always insightful and entertaining, and we are thrilled that he will be our Fall 2014 distinguished lecturer.  I am looking forward to the event and to sharing his voice with the community.”

Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik is director of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University and rabbi at Congregation Shearith Israel in Manhattan, the oldest Jewish community in America. He graduated summa cum laude from Yeshiva College, received his semikha from RIETS, and was a member of its Beren Kollel Elyon. In 2010, he received his doctorate in religion from Princeton University. Rabbi Soloveichik has lectured throughout the United States, in Europe, and in Israel to both Jewish and non-Jewish audiences on topics relating to Jewish theology, bioethics, religious freedom, wartime ethics, and Jewish-Christian relations.  His essays on these subjects have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, First Things, The Weekly Standard, Mosaic, Azure, Tradition, and the Torah U-Madda Journal. Rabbi Soloveichik has testified in Congress on the subject of religious liberty and is a board member of The Becket Fund, the premier religious liberty law firm in the United States.

The Jewish Law Institute at Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center offers a scholarly and intellectual framework for the academic study of the Jewish legal experience. Under the direction of Professor Levine, the Institute acts as a center for the study and teaching of Jewish law throughout the United States, bringing together leading scholars, teachers, and lawyers, and serving as a clearinghouse for new ideas and independent research. The Distinguished Lecture Series has included many prominent speakers including attorneys Nathan Lewin and Robert Sugarman, Judge Kermit Lipez, and Rabbi Yona Reiss.

The event is free of charge and open to the public. Those who plan to attend should RSVP to (631) 761-7063 or email[email protected].

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