Committee Calls for a Central Israel Police Dispatch Center Following Kidnapping Of 3 Yeshiva Boys

mishFollowing the mishandling of the call for help following the kidnapping of the three kedoshim on the eve of 15 Sivan, a probe was launched headed by Deputy Police Chief Nissim Mor. That probe led to a number of recommendations led by the recommendation to shut down seven dispatch centers and to replace them with one central system dispatch for the entire 100 police network.

When one dials ‘100’ today, Israel’s equivalent to American’s ‘911’, one is connected to the district police dispatch center. From there a call is routed to the appropriate precinct. Until 2000 calls were handled locally but as call volume continued to increase the need compelled establishing district dispatch centers. The committee feels Israel Police Headquarters should house a national central dispatch center that will handle all incoming emergency calls.

On Thursday night the eve of 15 Sivan 5774, Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel HY”D were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists, shot dead a short time later, and their bodies dumped near Halhul. Police received a call for help from Shaar at about 22:25 but ignored that call, viewing it as a prank until the early predawn hours of Friday morning. The inaction by police officials prevented the IDF, ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) and other agencies from becoming involved in the case in a timely fashion. The terrorists who abducted the three are still at large.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Smart idea….it would also help as almost everyone here has agreed last week that everyone carry a cellphone with them at all times in case of emergency. There is no reason under halacha not to have a phone, especially given the widespread availability of so called “kosher phone” for those who are forbidden to own smart phones with internet access. It is mindless and irresponsible to travel around the country in these dangerous times without being able to communicate in an emergency and send and receive emergency alerts.

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