Policeman Injured in Arab Violence in Yerushalayim

mdanDozens of masked Arabs attacks police in the Jabil Mukhaber neighborhood of Yerushalayim on Monday morning 6 Elul. One policeman sustained light injuries after being hit with a rock. There are no reports explaining what may have precipitated the latest round of Arab violence.

In another incident on Monday, police arrested five youths from Shuafat for throwing rocks at the Jerusalem light rail.

There have been an increasing number of attacks by Arabs against police in the capital over recent days.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It’s time to apply the new British methods of restricting passports and not permitting re-entry into Britain for extremists. Israel should pass a law that any citizen (Jew or Arab, for the P.C. crowd) convicted of violent crimes or subversion against the country shall have their passports and/or residency documents cancelled and all health insurance, welfare, and other benefits denied. Let’s see if our “cousins would REALLY rather live in the PA!

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