Statement By NYS Senator Simcha Felder On Death Of Aaron Sofer Z”L

asThis heartbreaking tragedy occurred at the start of Chodesh Elul, a time of introspection and teshuvah for Jews the world over, when Aaron ob’m would have joined his chaveirim for a new zman of intensive learning. It is not the natural order of the world for parents to lose a child. We must all join together as a community to wish the Sofer family strength and comfort during this difficult time. We must reflect on Aaron’s tragically short life, and learn from his dedication to Hashem and His Mitzvos and his love and devotion for his family and friends. Let us each resolve to increase our personal efforts to improve our own lives and to make a small difference in the world in his memory, to offer a kind word and offer a helping hand to an individual in need.

Yehi zichro baruch.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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