PM Netanyahu Facing Difficult Political Realities

bibnForeign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Wednesday 2 Rosh Chodesh Elul announced Israel erred in opting to agree to the ceasefire with Hamas, pointing out any deal with Hamas is worthless. As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu faces formidable political challenges and many feel Lieberman is the key, that if he makes the decision to pull out of the cabinet it will lead to new early elections. Bayit Yehudi leader Minister Naftali Bennett has already announced his party will not break apart the coalition, yet faction colleague MK Ayelet Shaked spoke out harshly against the prime minister and his mistakes in handling Operation Protective Edge. Bennett however did speak out against the prime minister’s handling of the operation and his decision to accept a ceasefire without bringing it to the ministers for a vote.

Danny Danon, who was recently dismissed from his post as deputy foreign minister by the prime minister for speaking out too often against Mr. Netanyahu’s policies has announced the Likud Central Committee will convene in two weeks.

Danon, who is head of the Central Committee, is well-aware the majority of the party’s 3,000 strong leadership body is not pleased with the prime minister’s handling of Hamas and some feel this may mark the countdown timer signaling Mr. Netanyahu’s term as Likud leader is rapidly winding down.

Others feel the prime minister will use his superb oratory skills to talk his way out of the political jam and maintain his leadership post.

Clearly Likud’s Minister of the Interior Gideon Saar is growing in popularity and he is viewed by many as Netanyahu’s successor. Saar in recent weeks and months has been calculated in his statements and media releases as he works to set the stage for his play for the Likud leadership, quietly, tactfully and effectively undermining the prime minister at even given opportunity.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. i think you over estimate saars old school politicking… it is not relevant any more…

    it used to be in the late 70s and 80s that a politician had to prove that he had image and a little substance to back it up… the less you say the better….

    but hes wrong we are now in the age of only substance and a little sprinkle of image is what you need… there are is no doubt in my mind that he is due for a surprise of some sort or another

  2. רבנים לנתניהו: מנע את חוק הגיור של בנט ולבני

    הרב מרדכי שטרנברג, הרב דב ליאור והרב דוד חי הכהן פנו לרה”מ: כל הצעה בנושא הגיור שאינה מוסכמת על הרבנות הראשית, תפגע באחדות 20:02

    ראש ישיבת הר המור הרב מרדכי שטרנברג, רבה של קרית ארבע-חברון הרב דב ליאור והרב דוד חי הכהן מבת ים שיגרו היום (חמישי) מכתב לראש הממשלה, בנימין נתניהו, וקראו לו לסכל את חוק הגיור של ח”כ אלעזר שטרן.

    הצעת החוק מבקשת להסדיר במסגרת חקיקה ראשית את מערך הגיור הממלכתי בישראל, אשר מהקמתו מעוגן בהחלטת ממשלה בלבד.

    על פי ההצעה, יוקמו 30 הרכבי גיור נוספים ברחבי הארץ, כאשר כל הרכב של מועצה מקומית או עיר יוכל להקים בית דין לגיור וכל הרכב ימנה שלושה דיינים שיוסמכו לגיור. זאת, לעומת המצב כיום שבו ישנם רק כ-15 ראשי הרכבים וכ-30 דיינים. נוסף על כך, כל מתגייר יוכל לבחור היכן להתגייר כך שאם אחד הדיינים יחמיר עמו או יסרב לגיירו, הוא יוכל לפנות

  3. In my book, the only way PM Netanyahu can salvage his reputation as one who speaks for nationalistic concerns is by proving that he will now act like a nationalistic leader in areas which are not subject to international threats(like threats of UN resolutions and withholding arms) and approve all requests for building and going ahead with development in all areas over the “Green Line” that have valid claims for being State Land or Jewish owned.

    A specific test is the response to Jerusalem Municipality newly approved development of Ohr Someach in East Jerusalem neighborhood, Shimon HaTzaddik(known by Arabs as Sheikh Jarrah). There are numerous other developments put on hold, as well. If he should fail this, where it is a matter of Israeli sovereignty and not a threat from Kerry/Obama, then he should no longer be considered as belonging in the “nationalistic camp” and voters and true Likud should consider this as a betrayal of their party’s ideology.

  4. As #2 Points out, perhaps Likud should also prevent changes in laws concerning the religious status quo and defeat facilitated by PM Netanyahu, MK Stern’s Law,this will convince Hardal and Hareidi factions that the Likud will stand for conservative values in regulating issues of personal status.
    As the Hardal rabbis have pointed out, in the past, these issues are equally vital for Jewish survival as building in Judea, Shomron, and around Jerusalem.

  5. In my opinion, Bibi is the only one who can carry Israel through very tough times, with Hashem’s Help of course. Bibi has been on the world stage for a while. he is articulate and refined. he keeps his cool. We don’t need some hot headed, inexperienced fellow to start rambling, showing his inexperience.

  6. #5
    The avg. likudnik and member of Machane Le’umi feels
    bewildered and if it is for him to “be more religious than the” kippot

    i.e. Bennet ,Stern,etc, Shr”y

    but is in their essence opposed to all that

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