Boro Park: CB12 & OJPC Announce Seminar For Local Businesses In Conjunction With The Dept. Of Consumer Affairs


Community Board 12, the OJPC along with the Department of Consumer Affairs will be holding a seminar for retail store owners in the district.

After receiving various complaints from local merchants and at the urging of the OJPC (Orthodox Jewish Political Club), Community Board 12 has reached out to the Department of Consumer Affairs and asked them to come down and meet with our local businesses to help them be DCA compliant, pass inspections and prevent them from getting excessive fines. We are happy to announce that the DCA agreed and will be coming to our district today at 7:00pm.

After the new Commissioner of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Julie Menin, announced a wide-ranging package of nearly two-dozen reforms that have been implemented as of July 1st to bring much-needed relief to thousands of New York City’s small businesses, including reducing the number and cost of fines, increasing transparency and fairness, and greatly expanding the education of and outreach to businesses, this was the right time to invite the DCA to our community to put those reforms into practice.

There are many rules and regulations that numerous store owners are unaware of. This seminar will address those rules and regulations and will inform store owners on how to be compliant in all of those that pertain to their particular business as set forth by the Department of Consumer Affairs. This information will help businesses pass inspections thereby avoiding violations and fines. In addition, there will be information for owners on the process of applying for and renewal of licenses.

Representatives from the Department of Consumer Affairs will make the presentation followed by a question and answer session.

“I am grateful to the DCA for accepting our invitation and am very excited for the upcoming seminar that will be a major benefit to our local merchants and will help these hard working store owners avoid excessive fines,” said District Manager Barry Spitzer.

“As Chairman of CB12 my top priority is boosting local businesses and helping them succeed. This is a great opportunity to do just that and I applaud the DCA and Commissioner Menin for the reforms they are instituting at the agency,” said Chairman Yidel Perlstein.

“The local merchants have been suffering for so long by getting huge fines, finally they will get the proper education to avoid them in the future,” said Joe Gross, Treasurer of OJPC.

The seminar will be held on today at 7:00 pm at the offices of Community Board 12, located at 5910 13th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219.

As there is limited seating, we ask those who wish to attend to please RSVP to [email protected] or call the Board office at 718-851-0800.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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