Ex-Rapper’s Father Faces New York Terror Trial

chnFacing a November terrorism trial in New York, the father of a man who is reportedly a suspect in the beheading of journalist James Foley finds his ex-rapper son’s name emerging in an international probe.

It’s unfolding just as the father tries to minimize descriptions of terrorism at his Manhattan trial that he fears might hurt his chances for an unbiased jury.

Abdel Abdul Bary was extradited from Britain to the U.S. in 2012 to face terrorism charges in connection with the twin 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa. The bombings in Kenya and Tanzania killed 224 people. He has asked that he be tried separately from a man arrested after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the grounds that mention of post-2001 terrorism could taint his jury.


One Response

  1. It is not so much the father, and it is not so much the son, but it is the ISIS and like Islamic fundamentalist group that are responsible for the beheading.

    The son, of course, was happy to kill and hopefully will be caught and killed, the father was happy to educate his son in such murderous activities and should be banished from the human race, but it is the Islamic crazies who must be stopped.

    Without stopping the Islamic crazies, we will only see more of this type of terror activity. Islam seems to enjoy substituting murder for goodness and spirituality, thereby attracting violent thugs.

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