Early Sunday Morning Rocket Attacks [UPDATED 07:24 IL]

ywnisrael.israelThe Red Alert sirens heard throughout Shabbos in the Eshkol, S’dot Negev and Shar HaNegev Regional Councils continued on motzei Shabbos, throughout the night and during the predawn hours on Sunday morning. B’chasdei Hashem there are no reports of fatalities.

Rockets late motzei Shabbos also landed in a part and near a building in Beersheva. A number of residents were treated for hysteria.

Sirens also sounded in the Galil on motzei Shabbos, B’chasdei Hashem without fatalities or injuries. A home in the Western Galil was damaged. No one was at home at the time.  EMS personnel treated about 20 residents of the community, most for hysteria. During the early morning hours of Sunday, at about 01:25, the first siren was heard in the Golan Heights. Five rockets were fired in three attacks, landing in the Golan Heights, damaging an electric line. The attack resulted in power outages to area communities. Israel blames Syria for that attack. The IDF adds that at least one rocket was fired into Israel from Lebanon, not Syria.

The IDF during the night continued to attack terrorist targets in areas of Gaza.

07:24: At least 11 mortar rockets slammed into the Gaza border communities’ areas resulting in damage to power lines and interruptions in electric service to some areas.

Gaza reports the IAF targeted a vehicle in Gaza killing a PFLP commander a short time ago.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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