WATCH: Massive IAF Strike Destroys 12 Story Gaza Apartment Building Used By Terrorists

Israeli aircraft have fired missiles at an apartment tower in downtown Gaza City, collapsing the 12-story building.
Palestinian officials say at least 22 people were hurt, including 11 children.

The Israeli military says the airstrike targeted a Hamas operations room in the building, but did not explain why the entire tower with 48 apartments was leveled.

Gaza police say Israeli aircraft fired a warning missile at the roof of the building at dusk, followed five minutes later by two missiles with explosives.

The explosion shook nearby buildings and sent a huge fireball into the sky.

Israel has launched some 5,000 airstrikes against Gaza in nearly seven weeks of fighting with Hamas, but today’s strike marks the first time an entire high-rise was toppled.

The military says Gaza terrorists fired at least 93 rockets and mortar shells at Israel today, a day after a mortar shell from Gaza killed a 4-year-old boy in southern Israel.

Israel’s defense minister is calling on residents in southern Israel to be ready for a prolonged campaign against Hamas terrorists.


17 Responses

  1. Good! So may all our enemies be destroyed, Hashem! They should level the whole Gaza and everyone in it. It’s about time. And the world can just drop dead!

  2. The article seems to question why the IAF saw a need to level a high rise.
    The answer is obvious. If the air force only hit the hamas room, hamas would simply kick out a family in a different apartment and set up shop there. It would evolve into a nasty game of whack a mole with jewish lives on the line. Better to knock the whole building down and send a message that any terror activity in the building means the end of the building. maybe gazans will now protest hamas coming in and terrorizing everyone’s lives.

  3. In 32 nites from now I shall be reciting “Sheyitamu Son’einu” as I consume Dates, and “Sheyistalku Oyeveinu” as I consume Beets, and “Sheyikorsu Son’einu” as I consume Leeks, and may all these “Yehi Rotzons” befall the Hammas, if they haven’t already been obliterated before R’H.

  4. @3 Thank you for giving anti-Semites a reason to hate Jews. You must be a prophet for knowing exactly who was in that building. You are full of hate towards human beings, which is not the Torah way.

  5. can’t honestly say I’m sorry for those who were hurt, not even children, because they are all taught at a young age to hate Jews and to be martyrs for their cause, so they all grow up wanting to murder us.

  6. Something is strange. It doesn’t look like an air strike. You don’t see anything coming from above. Looks like it was either from inside the building or right outside on the ground. Can anyone explain this?

  7. nice to see how the IDF is able with G-d’s help destroy our enemy even a gigantic building like that in such a nice looking area…

  8. “but did not explain why the entire tower with 48 apartments was leveled”. Oh, I’m sorry, most honorable AP, do you need an explanation? How about this, you despicable anti-Semites: drop dead!

  9. Seems like the Israeli government is losing patience, at the beginning of the conflict they wouldn’t have leveled a 12-story building. Lets hope this ends very quickly.

  10. hey shalom,

    i am not a prophet but i am sure that the idf knew there were war rooms operating to kill and maim jews.
    As i said the only thing that will dissuade hamas from taking up positions in the building is to destroy it anytime hamas comes in. that is all. besides it was accompanied with roof knocking beforehand.

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