VIDEO: Don’t Miss the Sizzle BBQ Benefiting Yeshivas Ruach Hatorah

Tonight is “The  Sizzle” a BBQ benefiting Yeshivas Ruach Hatorah.  7:00 PM  East 19th between ave I and the Dead End. 

Located in the heart of Flatbush,Yeshiva Ruach Hatorah offers a comprehensive and motivating program for limud hatorah and personal growth, Yeshiva

Ruach Hatorah is the ideal choice for a talmid seeking to learn Torah and live Torah. Intensive shiurim and rigorous sedarim are balanced with one on one attention to the unique needs of every talmid. Talmidim from all locations and backgrounds thrive in the welcoming environment and atmosphere of acceptance. The distinguished rebbeim and experienced mentors are actively involved in every talmid, working to guide and support each individual in reaching their full potential, in ruchniyus and avodas Hashem.

A fully accredited post high school yeshiva program, Yeshiva Ruach Hatorah’s schedule covers a

complete morning seder and shiur, along with an optional second seder. While many talmidim spend

their afternoons in college, or furthering their careers, they all return for night seder and Maariv. Each

evening is concluded with a stimulating shiur on topics ranging from halacha and daf yomi, to chumash and “Ask the Rabbi” sessions.

For over a decade, Yeshiva Ruach Hatorah has been building talmidim into ehrliche bnei Torah, and now has an impressive array of alumni, who still remain part of the Ruach Hatorah family. An outgrowth of the yeshiva, Kehilas Ruach Hatorah consists of the many alumni and bale batim who wish to maintain their shaychus to the yeshiva. All are welcome to join the shiurim and minyanim, under the guidance of Rabbi Menachem Mark.

For more info visit our website


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