Tefillin “Buy-Back” Thief Arrested

31624_24731_1587320189460A thief who attempted to steal Tefillin from a Crown Heights resident to “sell it” back to the victim was arrested on Sunday.

A Crown Heights resident, who had been unloading his vehicle on Union Street near Albany Avenue Sunday afternoon, returned to his car to notice his bag, containing a pair of tefilin had disappeared.

Shortly thereafter, the victim received a phone call from a man claiming to have his bag who offered to meet him to return the Tefillin in exchange for $10.00.

The victim called Shmira, who waited to meet the perpetrator along with police officers from the NYPD 71st Precinct.

At approximately 3:30pm at Kingston Avenue and Park Place the thief was arrested for Grand Larceny and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property, police said.

The apprehended male was found to be in possession of stolen Labavitch religious items. The defendant is currently at the 71st Precinct station house.



11 Responses

  1. Iss a frame-up! Iss the watt foke purpurtraitin unto the blak foke!
    No justiss No pees!

    I just hope this frame-up episode don’t bring back no Sharpton from Minnesota! New Yorkers rather he rabble-rouse there! We had enough of him here!

  2. And Professor J. Yorker went to a Yeshiva where they forgot to teach humor and sarcasm. Hope y’all undastand watt ahm tryin (understand what I’m trying) to say heya (here) on this saat (sight) .

  3. Thanks Shauli!
    I didn’t even think he was worth responding to but yo reeplaah was gooooood, man – much betta than mahn!

  4. The distinguished looking young man was just trying to do a mitzvah by returning a lost item and they put him in jail!

  5. The police are probably waiting for a Judge to sign off to give them permission to enter this thief’s residence, where they shall probably find plenty other stolen Tefillin & Jewish artifacts as well as other stolen items.

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