Israel Says Hamas ‘West Bank’ Coup Attempt Thwarted; Plan Involved Mass Slaughter Of Jews

hamIsrael’s Shin Bet security service says it has thwarted a Hamas coup attempt in the Palestinian controlled area known as the “West Bank”, though it provided few details.

The service says that it arrested more than 90 Hamas operatives in an alleged plot to carry out attacks against Jews and wrest control from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

It says it also confiscated weapons and more than $170,000. It says the plot was orchestrated by a senior Hamas official based in Turkey and that local officials were aware.

Hamas officials had no immediate comment to the claim.

Hamas overtook the Gaza Strip in 2007 from forces loyal to Abbas. It is currently negotiating to Cairo over a cease-fire to formally end the Gaza war.


4 Responses

  1. Wow!! one never knows where and when there will be a NESS.
    Baruch Hashem!! Shomer Yisrael Shmor Sheeris Yirael…
    Hodu L’Hashem Ki Tov, Ki L’olam Chasdo!!!!

  2. Actually, Hamas, representing radical Islam, is quite smart. This rabid group that uses the masquerade of religion, but is really a predator ideology with a political goal, is beginning with the most popular goal. Elimination of Israel and the murdering of Jews. This goal finds many sympathizers around the globe. In fact, the UN endorses this, while never saying it outright. What most are blind to is the greater mission is world domination. The message has been expressed a few times, though the media is hardly tending to it. Hamas, ISIS, and the rest of the bloodthirsty animals want to take over Washington. Yes, they have stated this openly. The statement about flying the ISIS flag over the White House was finally broadcast. They have already manipulated the populations of several European countries, succeeded in making the public schools in England serve only Halal meat. There are entire neighborhoods in Great Britain in which the streets are governed by Sharia law.

    In US, the courts are not permitted to seek precedents from any other jurisprudence, such as our Talmud. However, Federal Courts, as per this administration’s Dept. of Justice, is permitted to refer to Sharia law as precedent.

    It becomes more clear every day that we are is more desperate need than ever for the coming of Moshiach to rescue us from this dangerous world.

  3. If Israel would be smart and use the brains HKBH gave them, they would kill all those palestinian prisoners they took. They should kill all those prisoners and send them back in body bags. What are the chances they would do that?

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