Tel Aviv Grocery Stores to Continue Opening on Shabbos R”L

shabbosIn light of the decision by Judge Aviam Barkai to delay the hearing until November, the grocery stores in Tel Aviv will continue opening on Shabbos. Minister of the Interior Gideon Saar has the authority to accept or reject the request.

The Local Administrative Court in Tel Aviv announced the case would be placed on hold until November, wishing to hear the case after Interior Minister Gideon Saar ruled in the matter. Since the court ruled the matter will remain frozen until November, the stores operating on Shabbos will continue to do so until that time.

The owners of over 20 grocery stores and other businesses were summoned to the court expecting to hear they will have to close on Shabbos in line with the Shabbos Law. The store owners to date ignored all warnings, resulting in their being summoned to court.

The grocery store owners seeking to compel their closure were hoping the court would enforce the law in the hearing, but this did not occur. They maintain the opening is illegal, and for them, it results in a loss of revenue since they do not operate on Shabbos. Compelled by the Supreme Court to enforce the law, Tel Aviv City Hall turned to the court to compel 21 stores to stop operating on Shabbos. The court’s decision to delay the case will permit the stores to continue violating the law until November.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If Israel is anti-Torah, the world is anti-Israel.
    מדה כנגד מדה and you wonder why Obama and Cameron the PM of England are thinking of an embargo on sending sophisticated arms to Israel.

    Is this the hakaras hatov that the State of Tel Aviv shows to Hakadosh Baruch Hu Who speared them from the M-75 missiles that was fired at Tel Aviv?

  2. chas vshalom! try smiling to people more and attacking less, you cant image the effect you make by showing a little kindness to these people. i am not saying its right not to keep shabbos especially in israel where they know of the concept of shabbos, but these are our brothers and sisters, we all need to do teshuva not just the nebuch tinok shenishba hilonim

  3. Perhaps with all the issues confronting EY during these difficult times, they can just let people follow their own hashkafah. Given that about 70 percent of the population of Tel Avis is not shomer Shabbos, let them shop for food when they wish. No one is holding a gun to the head of frum yidden and telling them to purchase their chulent on Shabbos.

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