Lakewood: Arrest Made in Swastika-Carving, Bias Intimidation Incident

sOcean County Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato and Lakewood Police Chief Robert C Lawson today announced the arrest of Scott F. Cooney, 45, of Lakewood. Cooney is charged with Bias Intimidation, Harassment and Criminal Mischief. Judge Francis R. Hodgson, Jr, J.S.C. set bail at $25,000.

The arrests stems from a report made to Lakewood Police Department on August 10, 2014, and which was reported by TLS.

The victims reported that they have been victimized by Cooney for several months. They allege that Cooney has on many occasions verbally harassed and threatened them in the past. They allege further that at approximately 1:30 pm on the 10th they observed Cooney on their front yard using what appeared to be a lead pipe to carve something into their lawn. The victims, not wanting to provoke a confrontation, stayed safely within their home. Once Cooney departed they went outside to find that he had carved a swastika into the lawn. The victims took a photo and immediately responded to the Lakewood Police Department.

Lakewood Police Detective Leroy Marshall conducted the investigation that subsequently led to the arrest.

Just after 11am this morning Det. Marshall, assisted by Lakewood Police Sgt. Greg Staffordsmith located Scott F. Cooney at his residence in Leisure Village, 81 East Dorchester Drive, Lakewood, and executed the arrest warrant.

During processing at Police Headquarters, Cooney complained of chest pains and was subsequently transported to Monmouth Medical Hospital Southern Campus where he was treated and released. Cooney is currently awaiting transport to Ocean County Jail.


(Source: TLS)

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