Israel OK’s Jews to Immigrate With Their Non-Jewish Same-Gender Spouses

wti cover.jpgIsrael says it will now allow Jews to immigrate to Israel with their non-Jewish same-gender spouses.

In a directive publicized Tuesday, Israeli Interior Minister Gideon Saar told immigration authorities not to differentiate between married same-gender and straight couples.

Israeli law grants citizenship to Jews and close non-Jewish relatives who move to Israel. In a few cases in recent years, Israel only naturalized non-Jewish same-gender spouses of Jews following threats of Supreme Court petitions, says Israeli immigration attorney Nicole Maor.

Israel does not permit same-genders to marry in the country, but recognizes same-gender marriages if they were performed legally abroad. It is generally tolerant toward Toeiva.

Those part of the Toeiva community serve openly in Israel’s military and parliament, and Israel’s Supreme Court grants Toeiva family rights including inheritance and survivors’ benefits.


15 Responses

  1. The cease fire is used to further add laws against HASHEM the bitter results are in the air , Bilom gave that advise to Bulok and thousands of Yiden perished as a result.

  2. Irrelevant. If their law already allowed non-Jewish spouses, and already allowed same gender relationships to be recognized, then this new directive is just an appropriate interpretation of those laws, and has no real significance. Let’s not get worked up over it.

  3. To fwiw:

    Then its time to change the law. Unfortunately Dovy & the “Laugher” are happy with the law. Two useful idiots.

  4. Even Nevuchadnetzar (I might mistaken him with someone else) knew to say to his solders that the G-D of Israel hates Z’nus. Unfortunately, the Zionist government wants to be able to stay in power therefore doing these evil deeds to hold back the coming of Moshiach.

  5. I know a non-Jew who immigrated to Israel with his Jewish spouse. They gave him much less a hard time than many Jews get today when they immigrate. I’m not sure why same sex “spouses” are any worse than this.

  6. Zionism and Judaism are extreme opposites. To call current Israel a “Jewish state” is for identification purpose only. Whatever has a smell of Torah law, is chucked out. The government wants Israel to appear like the world before the Mabul (Flood).

    The only thing Jewish the Zionists can claim is their Jewish mother, and still have the chutzpah to force the PA to recognize Israel as a Jewish state when they themselves are embarrassed about it and would do just the opposite to aggravate Hashem. This new law fits well with the Zionist agenda.

  7. During the war, Hamas brought so much achdus to klal yisroel. Unfortunately, with the ceasefire in place, we have reduced ourselves to attacking fellow Jews again, R”L. And for the author to write “those part of the toeiva community serve openly in the army,” is such a slap in the face to all Israeli soldiers, whether they identify as gay or not. All Israeli soldiers risked their lives equally to protect us over the past month. How dare you vilify part of the IDF at a time like this?!

  8. #10 “And for the author to write “those part of the toeiva community serve openly in the army,” is such a slap in the face to all Israeli soldiers”

    This sentence made me think of the Gemara in Nedarim 75b: Immersion in mikva does not purify a person holding a sheretz.

    We thank the army for doing their job but had the IDF been holy, they would have had more Sityatta Dishmaya, won the war and with fewer, if any, casualties, and you know what, the achdus would have continued. This is no army for any G-d fearing person.

  9. continuation to my previous comment:

    Pinchas (in P. Matos) led the Israeli G-d fearing soldiers against the toeva Midyanites who made the Jewish people sin. The Jews went to war killing multitudes of them with 100% success without any casualties because there were no toeva soldiers. Only spiritual Golani and Govati soldiers with yirey Shamayim were allowed. That’s the difference between the IDF and the army of Pinchas.

  10. The Zionists are their own worst enemy! They want to be just like the Goyim, but the Goyim will Never accept them. The whole world is now angry against Israel, but they do things to make Hashem angry. This You need in the middle of a War??

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