Agudath Israel Hails NY Government Leaders’ Visit to Israel

agudahThe announcement that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senate Majority Co-leaders Dean Skelos and Jeff Klein, and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver would be undertaking a unity visit to Israel to express solidarity with Israel in its time of travail, was greeted with much appreciation by Agudath Israel of America.

“At a time when Israel’s right as a sovereign nation to defend itself against terror attacks by an enemy committed to its destruction has been challenged in so many quarters, it is welcome news indeed that the very top political leadership of New York State will be undertaking a mission to personally affirm their support for Israel,” said Rabbi David Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel.

The unity trip is scheduled to take place August 12, 2014, during which time New York leaders will meet with Israeli leaders and make personal visits to Israelis on the front line.

The point of the visit is to strengthen what Governor Cuomo referred to as New York’s “special relationship with Israel.” Declaring that “friends stand together in times of crisis,” Mr. Cuomo reiterated the importance of “delivering a message of solidarity in person” as Hamas continues its war of terror against Israel.

According to Rabbi Zwiebel, the bi-partisan nature of the visit makes it especially impressive. “The fact that both the Democratic and Republican leadership of New York is joining together to make this trip sends a special message not only to the people of Israel but to the entire world: politics may be politics, but not when it comes to expressing solidarity with Israel.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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