Sunday Afternoon Gaza News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael [UPDATED 3:58 PM IL]

siren.jpg13:55: Sirens sounding in the Ashkelon Coast region.
14:00: The PA (Palestinian Authority) delegation to ceasefire talks in Cairo is remaining to attend an urgent meeting of the Arab League.
14:03: Sirens sounding in Avim, Gavim, Nir Am, Sderot and surrounding areas.
14:04: A second siren in the same areas.
14:09: The IAF targets a terrorist riding a motorcycle in the Khan Yunis area of Gaza.
14:24: Sirens sounding in the Eshkol Regional Council.
14:43: A rocket exploded in an open area.
14:47: Multiple sirens in Gaza border communities including Sderot and the Shar HaNegev district.
15:16: Sirens throughout the Ashkelon Coast communities and Ashkelon.
15:17: The air force targets terrorists firing rockets.
15:20: Sirens sounding throughout the Gaza border communities and Ashkelon.

15:32: Sirens in Kfar Maimon, Shuva, Toshiya, Tekuma, Netivot, and other Gaza border and Ashkelon district communities.

15:58: A rocket was intercepted over Netivot. Two others exploded in open areas in the S’dot Negev district.




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