As U.S. Air-Force Bombs Iraq, White House Urges Both Sides To Cease Hostilities In Gaza-Israel Conflict

obaThe White House is condemning the renewed rocket fire in the conflict between Israel and terrorists in Gaza and urging both sides to cease hostilities immediately.

Militants in Gaza resumed rocket attacks on Friday and refused to extend a three-day truce. Israel responded with airstrikes. The violence has thrown broader cease-fire talks in Cairo into doubt.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest says Israel has agreed to extend negotiations but Hamas has refused unless Israel meets their list of demands.

Earnest says Hamas’ decision will put civilians at risk and will do nothing to advance the interests of the Palestinian people.

He says American officials are in Cairo participating in talks to secure a sustainable cease-fire.


6 Responses

  1. Islamic State (a.k.a. al Queda on steroids) is the main event. They include the Taliban (i.e.insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan) as well as Boko Haram (in West Africa, more than just Nigeria). At stake is the future of the Middle East, and perhaps the world.

    The Israeli-Palestinian dispute is a sideshow that hurts the “big boys” in the main event. Hamas is a small fish and most Palestinians don’t support the Islamic State crowd. The US and allies really want the Israelis to find a way to settle with the Palestinians, so they can focus on what matters to the rest of the world. This might involve something bad happening to Hamas, and the Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudis and the rest of the Palestinians might take care of that if the Israelis can figure out how to pull it off.

    However the bottom line is the US is finally admitting its in a serious war, and they want the Israelis and Palestinians to be on their side (and except perhaps for Hamas, that’s reasonable).

  2. How can he be such a disgusting hypocrite. He is bombing terrorists is Iraq, but he wants Israel to lay down and die. Chas Vashalom.
    The world is crumbling. We need Moshiach now.

  3. Israel has twice agreed to ceasefires; Hamas rejected the first and broke the second. Obama is supporting Israel’s position. That makes him a “disgusting hypocrite”?

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