NYC Mayor de Blasio’s Remarks On Operation Protective Edge


NYC Mayor De Blasio had the following to say about Israel’s military operation in Gaza:

“I think every military in the world grapples with this issue, of how do you try to avoid civilians?” he said.

“And it’s not easy in Gaza the way that Hamas has used the tactic of putting … its soldiers as military assets in the civilian population. But that being said, I think it’s clear that there has to be a greater effort to protect civilians.”


9 Responses

  1. Well! You just said it….! You can’t protect civilians if they’re used as shields. You need laser to target terrorist only

  2. Huh?
    What kind of goodeligook is that?
    Speech writer on vacation?
    And he is the Mayor of the biggest Jewish population in the world?
    Spoken like a true idiot!

  3. Here’s a thought mayor. How about instead of the Gazan people voting Hamas as their leaders, because apparently the P.A. wasnt radical enough for them, they voted leaders with a desire to protect them?

    The Gazan people are all complicit in their own demise. “Civilians” who elect a terror organization to lead them are not civilians.

    To save the lives of hundreds of thousands of allied soldiers, the Us destroyed two Japanese cities killing nearly half million “civilians”. Talk about protecting civilians when your own country does the killing, not some sliver of land with less people than the entire nyc!

    Talk about protecting civilians in darfour. Talk about protecting civilians in Sudan. Talk about protecting civilians in Iraq.

    But for heavens sake, you hypocrite, don’t talk about protecting civilians in the only democracy in the entire Middle East which bends over backwards to protect civilians it shouldn’t be protecting in the first place.

  4. Exodus 23

    “My Messenger will go ahead of you and will bring you to [the land of] the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites. I will wipe them out. Never worship or serve their gods or follow their practices. Instead, you must destroy their gods and crush their sacred stones

    Keep reading over and over so you may cleanse out the last of your humanity ……
    IDF….. murdering cowards…..

  5. on the subject of avoiding civilian causalities i think the mayor ought to do more avoiding well in our case civilians getting killed because the lack of the ability for the nypd to imply proper crime fighting tactics. we have a mAyer who is so BENT OVER BACKWARDS TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY EVEN IF IT COST PEOPLES LIVES.SO I THINK DEBLASIO AND SHARPTON should stop hampering the police department’s ability to respond to crime effectively.and that’s what deblasio should be doing instead of going to this rally.

  6. Great speech Mr Mayor. I fully agree with you. It is just terrible that Hamas does not make a greater effort to protect civilians. In fact they make no effort. If they just stopped using them as human shields and stopped firing rockets into Israel, if they used all the cement Israel let across the border into Gaza to build homes, schools, community centers, hospitals, libraries, just think how much better off the Gazans would be. So Mr Mayor you are right that there should be a greater effort to protect civilians, you just need to open your eyes and see who needs to make that effort. You need to shoot directly from the hip and tell Hamas – You are murderers. You put men, women and children in harms way. You laud their deaths “for the cause”. Mr Mayor, what cause is worth making human sacrifices of your own kith and kin? Would you do that to New Yorkers? No, of course not. So Mr Mayor, call a spade a spade and tell Hamas to stop being killers and destroyers.

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