Project Inspire Announces the Premier of That Spark – The Pintele Yid

CaptureThis Tisha B’av, Project Inspire presents its feature presentation, highlighting an incredible story spanning 21 years and the sparks that have been ignited along the way.

The film includes an Introduction and inspirational story by HaRav Moshe Tuvia LIeff, Mara D’asra of Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin in Flatbush.  Rabbi Yaakov Salomon is the film host and skillfully weaves each element into a cohesive message about what any and every Jew can do to create Achdus in Klal Yisroel. To Quote Rabbi Salomon, “Although we show you stories and vignettes annually, THIS one is extremely special. You will see for yourself.


A $10 minimum donation includes over 10 other inspirational films including Just a Word, Journey to Jerusalem, The Road Home and many more.  To contact Project Inspire, email [email protected] or call 646-291-6191.

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