History Made in the Kremlin as Chief Rabbi of Russia is Honored


It was a Kiddush Hashem in the Kremlin as Russian President Vladimir Putin honored Russia’s Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Berel Lazar. The rabbi was presented with a citation of honor for his “Contribution to the Motherland”.

The honor bestowed on Rabbi Lazar is among the most prestigious in Russia, only given to individuals who have made major contributions to the development and prosperity of the country.

In his remarks upon receiving the honor, Rabbi Lazar stated that not that many years ago the thought of bestowing such an honor on a rabbi in the Kremlin was not event a distant dream and today, the great changes that have taken place are felt.

Rabbi Lazar thanks the government and personally thanked President Putin for the honor and for his constant support and assistance for the Jewish community of late as well as during recent years.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos By JDN)

10 Responses

  1. I guess he has to play the game by being respectful to that thug. Let’s hope he can keep peaceful relationships with the Jews there and in so doing will help protect them in the future.

  2. He didn’t coast into this situation. The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe Yosef Yitchak had tremendous mesiras nefesh for keeping yidishkeit alive in Russia including his Chassidim giving up their lives. The product is being seen today.

  3. “V’avurchuh Mivurechechuh”…

    I strongly suspect that his friendliness to the Jews, and his protecting them, is the merit that causes the Almighty to bless Putin with the stature he has.

    (Clever man, that Putin fella. Being kind to his Jewish subjects is a good tactical move to garner favor in Heaven.
    Or maybe he’s just lucky to have decided to be kind.)

    It’s sort of like a spiritual “Derech Ha’Teva”.

  4. #1#3,

    This is how jews have traditionally have dealt over the centuries and different milieus’

    till zionism and other movements arose claiming to have better ways.

    Gorbachev told Putin that the Soviet Union’s biggest error was battling with religion

    He is shrewd

  5. At least Putin has enough seichel to keep “Traditional Marriage” the law of the land! That includes the entire vast Country of his! No exceptions or loopholes! Maybe that’s why he has Siyata Dishmaya.

  6. Re comment no. 6: Do you really think that a thug like Putin can fool Hashem by giving a medal to a Jew? You underrate Hashem.

  7. Response to Comment # 9,

    You misunderstand.

    As Chazal state, “Ein HKB”H Mikapech S’char kul Beryiah”.
    (Hashem does not skimp (or constrain) the reward of any creature)

    (Remember the Frogs in Mitzrayim?)

    In other words, regardless of Putin’s motives and intentions, his kindly or gracious acts earn him reward!
    That’s the rule Hashem implemented.

    (Of course if one’s intentions are L’shem Shomayim, then the rewards are significantly greater.)

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