The White House Just Condemned the Shelling of a UN School in Gaza

US-WhiteHouse-LogoA White House spokeswoman condemned the shelling of a United Nation’s school in Gaza which was sheltering a number of displaced Palestinians, the Associated Press is reporting.

The sharp criticism from spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan, notably did not name Israel, or the Israeli military, which has been widely accused of shelling the facility and killing 15 civilians.

“The United States condemns the shelling of the UNRWA school in Gaza, which reportedly killed and injured innocent Palestinians — including children —and UN humanitarian workers, ” she said, according to a statement acquired by Time Political Reporter Zeke Miller.

Gaza officials say 15 people were killed Wednesday when the school was struck by several Israeli tank shells, according to the Associated Press.

The Associated Press originally reported the White House had condemned Israel for the shelling which it did not.



8 Responses

  1. The school attackers are condemned but not those who caused its attack! No school children were housed therein – rockets were!

  2. Happy to see the White House condemn the daily massacres taking place in Syria. Hey Barry, whatever happened to that “red line” that Syria crossed when they used chemical weapons?

  3. Well….. On behalf of my Jewish brothers & sisters in Israel, I condemn the UN for letting hamas hide their missiles in these schools, shoot missiles from these schools & purposely use the Arabs as human shields.
    How do that know that these shells were Israeli? Did they read “Made in Israel” on them before they hit? Did they see where they where launched from? Or did the profit Mo tell them?

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