86.5 Percent Of Israelis Say ‘No’ To A Ceasefire In Gaza

kasThe overwhelming majority of Israelis, 86.5% feel that for as long as Hamas tunnels are not all destroyed and the terror organization can fire rockets into Israel, there can be no ceasefire.

The poll was taken last weekend to determine the public’s view on the ongoing military operation. 504 people representing a cross-section of the population were questioned.

If a ceasefire is declared today, which of the following options best describes your feeling?

86.5%: Israel cannot agree to a ceasefire for as long as rocket fire continues and the tunnels are not eliminated.

9.7%: A ceasefire would be a good thing.

More men (89%) than women (84%) feel the fighting must continues. The residents of Yehuda and Shomron registered 90.5% in favor of continuing the warfare. Tel Aviv residents polled 86.9%, as opposed to 87% in southern Israel.

3.8% of respondents explained they do not know.

Among those favoring a ceasefire, women (11.61%) are a majority as opposed to men (7.9%). Southern residents favoring a ceasefire amount to 11.1% as opposed to 9.3% in Tel Aviv and 4.8% in Yehuda and Shomron.

When asked to rate the success of the operation to date; only 2.2% called it a major success. 22.6% feel is has yielded good results for Israel, and the majority, 47.6% feel the results are moderate. 86% of the participants stated they are seeking a decisive victory.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Maybe we shouls ask hamas how maby dead jews wud plz them. Stop with thefoolish pollls that ask idiota their opinions

  2. The best thing that happened in this war compared to previous ones was that Tel Aviv was targeted as well. Until now, as long as it was sderot etc…or “just the north” the secular left wing did not care…..now they are starting to feel the heat and whola ! 86.5 Percent Of Israelis Say ‘No’ To A Ceasefire In Gaza ! They (and us) should be זוכה to do תשובה …..

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