Netanyahu: Israel Can Lose on PR but Not Security

bibIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he realizes world opinion might be shifting away from his nation with every Palestinian civilian’s death, but adds that the public relations battle cannot supersede Israel’s security.

Netanyahu told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that Palestinians are using their civilians as what he calls “human shields” against Israel’s military campaign into Gaza. Netanyahu says his nation’s efforts to secure itself will not yield despite growing concern about deaths at the hands of Israel’s lethal force.

Netanyahu insists Israel is not targeting civilians but says that Hamas wants non-military bodies to pile up for cameras to capture. He says the Palestinians must be both discredited and disarmed.


3 Responses

  1. “It’s better to have an Israel that’s hated by the world than an Auchwitz that’s loved by it”
    -Meir Kahana, 1986

  2. If only he really acted in this way 100%. How many soldiers in this war have we offered as human sacrifices to the false god of public opinion – a god from which we have not received any benefit or goodwill from since we started in his service. It’s about time to come back to the Real One.

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