B’chasdei Hashem: Car Bomb Detected at Betar Illit Checkpoint


An Arab driver that appeared suspicious to soldiers arrived at the Betar Illit checkpoint on Sunday morning 29 Tammuz.

When the vehicle was inspected they found LP gas cylinders inside, leading them to believe it was a car bomb. The area was cordoned off and bomb demolition technicians were summoned to inspect the vehicle.

UPDATE: Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld confirms the car stopped by border police was carrying a “large explosive device” and the vigilance of soldiers averted a major terror attack B”H.

Channel 2’s Moshe Nussbaum adds the vehicle had Israeli license plates and it was traveling from Tzur Hadassah towards Betar. Interestingly, once again showing the Siyata Dishmaya, the checkpoint is usually in the opposite direction but today the soldiers decided to take a break from the routine.

The border policeman detected the driver was wearing a wig, seeking to disguise himself as a frum women. The officer instructed the driver to stop and turn off the motor. The driver did not comply and the officer reached in to try to do so himself. At that point the terrorist hit the gas and the soldier was hanging on. As this was taking place he managed to pull his pistol and direct it at the driver, who then stopped the vehicle. The area road was closed and the bomb experts determinate a major attack was averted. The car was carrying the LP gas tanks and a large quantity of explosives. The driver is under arrest and the soldier uninjured. His vigilance prevented a major attack, authorities explain.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. The soldier had no right to stop him. It was racist! He ought be brought up on charges of racial profiling – pure discrimination! A form of Stop & Frisk!
    Who says the guy wanted to blow up the thing? How did he know? He accused an innocent man (or was it a woman – WinkWink) How can he accuse him before he does the crime?
    I don’t get it!!!

    P.S. Send a hug & kiss to that soldier for me!!!

  2. To #1: If the soldier shot him then the soldier may gotten injured or worse (after all, he was holding on to the outside of a moving car laden with explosives).

    Furthermore, he’s better alive than dead. That way you can question him and hopefully help avert other attacks as a result.

  3. the vigilance of soldiers averted a major terror attack B”H.
    This sentence is “KFIRA”, and catering to supposedly a FRUM audience is absolutely unacceptable.
    This is what we get in the GOYISHE world, and that is the reason we want and need a FRUM news reportage.
    תמיד עיני ה אלהיך בה מראשית השנה עד ארחית שנה
    The “soldiers” are not the שומרים the רבש”ע is.
    הנה לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל
    אם ה לא ישמור עיר שוא שקד שומר
    Lets have all this in mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Can any of the news people or the government people say “Boruch Hashem”??? And with all these incidents trying to happen, why are they letting creepy arabs into the country through these check points in the first place??? Isn’t it time to tell them to stay in Gaza and not let any of these monsters in??

  5. #7 Calm down and please be more vigilant before you pull the “KFIRA” card which is used way too often. Sentences such as the one you quoted are merely thanking the human sh’liach. That’s why it ended with B”H. This is part of the principal of hakaras hatov. Just as you thank a doctor or any other sh’liach and recognize his role in bringing about a y’shua. Moshe Rabbeinu even had gratitude to the dirt and water. Of course the RBS”O arranged for Moshe to be saved, but we thank and recognize the agents too. It is not Kfira to recognize the role of Hashem’s agents. M’galglin z’chus ‘al y’dei zakai. I dare say that not enough hakkarat hatov to our brave soldiers leads too needless hatred. יש להאריך טובא ואכמ”ל.

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