Hamas Working to Import Rockets that Can Bypass the Iron Dome

kasSpeaking on Channel 1 TV on Thursday 26 Tammuz, Dr. Mordechai Kedar explains that there are too many “experts” who are not embarrassed to speak, lecture and write about Hamas and the ongoing warfare without understanding Hamas on the most elementary level. “If one wishes to understand the British or the American one must know English and one cannot be an expert on Hamas without the capability of understanding its leaders in their native Arabic”.

Kedar explains that in his Wednesday night address, Hamas leader Khalid Meshal devoted 80% to addressing the need to break Israel’s marine blockade on Gaza. Kedar explains this is because “brilliant Iranian engineers” have developed a rocket that can circumvent the Iron Dome system. Kedar explained the Iranians have watched and studied the Iron Dome’s operation and they have succeeded in developing a rocket that can bypass the defense system.

Dr. Kedar explains that Meshal realizes that if ships can come into the Port of Gaza, Hamas can begin importing rockets and prepare them for the next round of warfare. He explained the rockets seem to travel lower and in a different trajectory than rockets used today, making them undetectable to the Iron Dome.

Dr. Kedar stated it is time for all of the so-called experts to remain silent for the information that base their theories and hashkafa on do not represent Hamas’ true position.

From Wikipedia: Mordechai Kedar is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He holds the Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University.

Kedar is an academic on the Israeli Arab population. He served for twenty-five years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. What is this “next round of warfare”? I hope our defense establishement understands that there must not be any Hamas organization in Gaza. Why should we tolerate them more than Egypt?

  2. Every country is probably rushing to develop “smarter” rockets, and presumably Israel (and everyone else) is rushing to develop even smarter ways to shoot them down. Great parnassah opportunities for engineers. Until a few weeks ago everyone thought these sorts of weapons were not practical, but Hamas kindly offered to let the Israelis demonstrate that they are practical, and now everyone will want one.

  3. Hopefully Israel’s upgraded Iron Dome will be able to shoot the rockets right back to the sender which will finally bring a stop to these rockets because they and their “inncocent” people will get killed by their own doing.

  4. If this means that it’s launched as a horizontal through (like when you throw a ball), as appose to shooting it up to the sky, then it seems impossible to shoot down בדרך הטבע…

    Besides the fact that such rockets will leave no time to run for cover.

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