Hamas Says Ben Gurion Airport Closure Is ‘Great Victory’

wti cover.jpgHamas hails the suspension of Tel Aviv flights by many world airlines as a “great victory.”

“The success of Hamas in closing Israeli airspace is a great victory for the resistance, and is the crown of Israel’s failure,” spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri says as traffic to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport slows to a trickle after a rocket hit close to the airport on Tuesday.


10 Responses

  1. Hey that’s what Tom Cruz said! But when them hamas barbaric miscreants say it, it means something!
    Thanks obamba and jerky! Two great statesmen!

  2. 1. The airlines lawyers and insurers were probably the ones making the decison. Flying into a war zone could set off serious liability issues in the event of a crash.

    2. The Israeli airlines are “cleaning up” on the deal financially, and building up their reputation for being airlines that can manage to fly and not crash even if someone is shooting at them. If they were feloniously clever, the Israeli airlines might have wanted to pay Hamas to scare away their competition.

  3. What happened the past 2 weeks with sirens going off in Ben Gurion a few times and constantly in Tel Aviv they weren’t worried then? Israel don’t give in to terror!

  4. “Yet the FAA allows flights into Baghdad, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kiev.” Let alone the Ukraine where three planes have been shot out of the sky (at least two on purpose) in the past week or so.

  5. Akuperma

    Its not a war zone.

    If the skies were really so unsafe for flight, how did the FAA allow Kerry to land in Tel Aviv?!

  6. yes el al should have done well. and they deserve to. and we should support them, but with the Turkey mess. i dont think they had enough resources to add more planes quick enough to and from the US to make up for the backlog. They should have opened a command center, like a special operation just for rebooking other carriers’ stranded passengers for a nominal fee, not market prices. it would have been huge PR>

  7. and if we see the Obama White House was behind this .. heads need to roll. I think its time for another “march on the steps of the capital:

  8. Hamas did score a “victory” here although only temporary. Al Qaieda has scored a major victory when they took down the Twin Towers & then followed with the “shoe bomber”. Now the ENTIRE WORLD has to undress & get zapped with radiation before going on ANY flight, even local! Here in America we have to humiliate ourselves for some highschool drop out’s wearing blue disposable gloves being paid by US, the dumb stupid taxpayer! Terrorism works & has WON!

  9. Yeah – a Big victory for Hamas.
    Gaza is in destruction – hundreds of terrorists killed – hundreds wounded – hundreds are prisoners – leaders assassinated -their homes destroyed – most tunnels blown up.
    Sounds like a big victory !

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