Schumer, Graham, Cardin: Any Ceasefire In Gaza Must Remove Threat To Israel Posed By Hamas Rockets & Tunnels

tunU.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-New York), Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) today wrote to President Obama about the negotiation of a cease-fire agreement in Israel.

“Any cease fire should create a situation in which Israeli citizens no longer face the threat of brazen terrorist attacks,” said the senators. “Israeli citizens have faced over 1800 rocket launches from Hamas since June. While Iron Dome has saved countless lives, over five million Israelis live in fear of incoming rockets fired indiscriminately from Gaza. Twenty-eight tunnels have been discovered by the IDF since the ground operation in Gaza began. Israel has an absolute right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel.

“The threats posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels whose only purpose is to kill and kidnap Israelis are intolerable, and Israel must be allowed to take any actions necessary to remove those threats. Any effort to broker a ceasefire agreement that does not eliminate those threats cannot be sustained in the long run and will leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks.”

Full Text Below:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President:

We write to express our strong belief that any viable cease fire in Gaza must remove the threat to Israel posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels. Any cease fire should create a situation in which Israeli citizens no longer face the threat of brazen terrorist attacks.

Israeli citizens have faced over 1800 rocket launches from Hamas since June. While Iron Dome has saved countless lives, over five million Israelis live in fear of incoming rockets fired indiscriminately from Gaza. Twenty-eight tunnels have been discovered by the IDF since the ground operation in Gaza began. Israel has an absolute right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel. The threats posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels whose only purpose is to kill and kidnap Israelis are intolerable, and Israel must be allowed to take any actions necessary to remove those threats. Any effort to broker a ceasefire agreement that does not eliminate those threats cannot be sustained in the long run and will leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks.

The Israeli military has taken great pains to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties. The IDF has used text messages, leaflet drops, phone calls, and other methods to clear out areas before attacks. The same cannot be said about Hamas. Their rockets have only one purpose: to kill as many innocent Israelis as possible. At the same time, they use their own civilians as human shields by placing missile launchers next to schools, hospitals, mosques, and private homes. The Hamas interior ministry has called on Gaza residents to ignore IDF warnings to get out of harm’s way.

The human toll in this crisis is tragic. Both Palestinian and Israeli civilians are dying because of the distorted priorities of the leaders of a terrorist organization whose primary goal is to destroy Israel. We must do everything possible to ensure they do not succeed.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Congratulation for some unbiased common sense – perhaps you can write a simmilar letter to the UN so called Human Rights Conference.

  2. While I should applaud the guts of these three senators for writing this letter to President Obama, I am actually a bit displeased. The time wasted in trying to inform Obama of what is morally acceptable and what is not is bothersome. I believe more might have been accomplished by playing golf.

    Obama approaches the Middle East with a set of values foreign to all of us, the readers and surfers of websites such as this, and even these three elected officials. Obama desperately wants Hamas in power, funded, and occupied with the mission of annihilating Israel. Yes, I am openly accusing Obama of wanting Israel’s destruction just as Hamas wants it.

    Look at all of the recent activity.

    War in Israel/Gaza – Where is Obama? Attending fundraising events.

    Downed commercial airliner – Where is Obama? Playing politics.

    Three innocent teenagers kidnapped walking home from yeshiva – Where is Obama? Golfing. Total silence.

    One Palestinian teen killed – Where is Obama? In front of the media condemning the crime.

    Rockets raining down all over Israel – Where is Obama? Fundraising.

    Palestinian civilians killed in homes, mosques, and schools that are weapons storage facilities and launching pads, placed there by Hamas – Where is Obama? Giving lip service to Israel’s right of self-defense, but accusing them of genocide.

    Lots of buildings and houses in Gaza being bombed because they are Hamas terror bases – Where is Obama? Sending Kerry to give them $47 million dollars which will be recycled into more rockets.

    Millions of Israelis spending the better parts of their days and nights in shelters with rockets reaching more than 80% of their land and cities – Where is Obama? Ordering the airports off limits by all US based airlines, with zero regard for the already stressed Israeli economy.

    These senators are standing by Israel as an ally, but the Executive Branch of our government is doing the opposite. Instead of sending letters like this, you guys should be passing legislation that is veto proof to insure that US supports its true friend, and that such support cannot be diverted to any of these Muslim countries or terror groups.

  3. “perhaps you can write a simmilar letter to the UN so called Human Rights Conference. ”

    Did you notice what country was the only one to vote “no” on yesterday’s UN “human rights” anti-Israel resolution? The United States!

    “instead of following dailykos”

    Dailykos is full of Obamahaters — just like this site.

    “I am openly accusing Obama of wanting Israel’s destruction just as Hamas wants it.”

    And to enable that he gets Congress to fund Iron Dome and repeatedly stresses to the world Israel’s right to defend itself.

    “Total silence.”

    That is a baldfaced lie. He put out a statement himself a few days after the kidnapping and the State Department was addressing it even before the facts were known.

    “Attending fundraising events.”

    I am sure that if the Republicans would stop raising campaign funds, Obama would be happy to join them.

    “accusing them of genocide”

    Another bald-faced lie.

    “In front of the media condemning the crime.”

    You support cold blooded murder?

    “Ordering the airports off limits by all US based airlines, with zero regard for the already stressed Israeli economy.”

    Fools like you want to make it easier for Hamas to take down a jetliner full of Jews. Do you realize how easy it is to take down a low flying jet aircraft?

  4. Charlie:

    I am appalled at your arguments. They are empty. Here’s a play by play.

    Obama did not “get Congress to fund Iron Dome”. Congress has been doing so without urging from Obama. It is the Congress that needs our accolades. All Obama did was send Kerry to offer $47 million dollars without a method to prevent that money from rebuilding a terror infrastructure. Earmarking it for “humanitarian” purposes has never worked until now, and it will not work in the future. That money is being provided to support terror.

    Obama made not a single public statement about the three kedoshim until prodded to do so by outsiders. Every single statement was coupled with admonitions and warnings to Israel. He never referred to “kidnapped” kids, only “missing”. He has still not spoken about the murders or the terror of this event.

    Fundraising – there is a time and place for everything. There is war involving an ally, and he is out partying (pun intended). That’s not why he was elected.

    No, I don’t support cold blooded murder. Neither does Israel. The suspects were arrested, and they are facing charges. That’s Israel, a civilized country. Were the three kedoshim not cold blooded murder? Why has the president failed to say that? You know the answer, but are too blinded by this regime to express it.

    Ordering the airport off limits to US airlines was also out of line. Israel would never compromise on issues of safety and allow an airliner to enter the line of fire. If matters were so unsafe, Israel would close the airport on its own. No FAA statement or action needed. When Bibi asked Kerry about lifting the ban, he was rejected, as if Kerry has greater safety standards and concerns than Israel. Fool of fools!

    My hate toward Obama is based on seeing how he has rejected Israel’s interests everywhere possible, and supports the savage subhumans that are called Hamas. I watched this clown lie repeatedly, make promises (like Obamacare), and spin things with self-contradictions. The extent of all this is staggering, and has never reached limits like this in all of US history. He has been a disgrace to this country, and will go down in history as the worst president, not because of popularity or the lack thereof.

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