PM Netanyahu Slams UN Rights Council

bibnThe UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Wednesday, 25 Tammuz announced it was establishing a commission to probe alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

Following is the response released by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

The decision today by the UNHRC is a travesty and should be rejected by decent people everywhere.

Rather than investigate Hamas, which is committing a double war crime by firing rockets at Israeli civilians while hiding behind Palestinian civilians, the UNHRC calls for an investigation of Israel, which has gone to unprecedented lengths to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way, including by dropping leaflets, making phone calls and sending text messages.

The UNHRC should be launching an investigation into Hamas’s decision to turn hospitals into military command centers, use schools as weapons depots and place missile batteries next to playgrounds, private homes and mosques.

By failing to condemn Hamas’s systematic use of human shields and by blaming Israel for the deaths that are caused by this grotesque human shields policy, the UNHRC is sending a message to Hamas and terror organizations everywhere that using civilians as human shields is an effective strategy.

Like the investigation that led to the infamous Goldstone report, a report which was ultimately renounced by its own author, this investigation by a kangaroo court is a foregone conclusion.

The predictable result will be the libeling of Israel and even greater use of human shields in the future by Hamas. Those who will pay the price will be not only Israelis but also Palestinians who Hamas will redouble its efforts to use as human shields in the future.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Goldstone, Albright, etc. have 1 thing in common: self-hating bitter Jews. These Jews who became goyim gemurim or whose parents became goyim are worse and are more anti-Semitic than actual goyim. The only enjoyment in their bitter lives is to embitter upstanding Jews. (Leftists in Israel also fall in this category.)

  2. Maybe I’m crazy and not understanding what’s going on. Isn’t it obvious that Israel is saying we’re not fighting the ” Muslims ” just Hamas terrorists why is the whole world going crazy over racism. There are Muslims living in Israel and Israel is protecting them as well yes ?

    Help me understand please

  3. BS”D
    Just thought maybe I’d try to bring something good out of the clear rishus of the goyim. None of the world opinion lunacy should surprise a frum Yid — just part of the way Hashem made the world. I have to admit (and from the comments on various articles on YWN, I see that I am not alone), I have a painful time reading and experiencing the sheker (guess I gotta work on my emuna).

    But I was thinking that one thing that might be useful from the darkness of the goyishe double-standard is to use it in a kiruv-type setting as a proof that there must be a G-d. How else can one explain how so many very intelligent non-Jews are completely and utterly blind to the evils committed the world over, choosing to demonically focus only on (alleged) acts committed by Yidden? I mean, the world leaders are not, technically speaking, stupid people. In many cases, they are highly educated, worldly, and professionally successful. In probably many other areas of discussion, aside from the normal effects of personal bias, one probably could have a reasonable conversation with these people. But suddenly, when it comes to Yidden and Israel, these non-Jews lose complete and utter touch with reality and logic, in a pathological fashion. Again, none of this surprises a frum Yid, but it is very hard for a frei Yid to explain this phenomenon derech teva. Actually, I say that it is impossible to do so. Thus, the whole worldwide hate-Israel festival might be able to provide you with a backdoor way to get a frei Yid to consider the possibility that Hashem really does run the world. In other words, if you find yourself schmoozing with a frei Yid, just ask him “Come on, how do you explain how these very intelligent, educated non-Jewish leaders are so blind to the double-standard that they are pulling on Israel?” I don’t think think it can be explained other than supernaturally. Plus, it might just help us all take up our emuna one notch, BE”H.

  4. Bibi the UN should be charged with war crimes for turning over missles to Hamas a terrorist organization. Why has nobody raised this question. What has the UN [thieves] done in Iraq to protect the xristians, of Syria or in Gaza or the West Bank. Why has the populations of xristians in Arab country shrunk so much.The world can see the UN is useless and be done away with. It is just a blood sucking machine. Our dear prez does nothing to help the situation. he is just fund raising all the time. Sucking America for the use of Airforce 1. I have never ever been ashame of American presidents including Carter as I am of obama. he is like a 5 year in the cooperate world trying to run multi business. Answer one question would you hire him and pay him a million dollar a year salary

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