Criminal Probe Of Cuomo Administration Urged

cuomPolitical foes of Gov. Andrew Cuomo are calling for prompt criminal investigation of his administration following a press report Wednesday that his office thwarted attempts by the special corruption commission he appointed to investigate groups with ties to him.

The New York Times reports that Secretary Larry Schwartz pressured commissioners to stop subpoenas to Buying Time, a media-buying firm Cuomo used, and the Real Estate Board of New York, whose members financially supported the governor’s campaign.

State Republican Party Chairman Ed Cox and gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino say that’s criminal obstruction of justice.

Cuomo’s office told the newspaper that it would be “a pure conflict of interest” for a commission appointed by the governor to investigate the governor.

Spokesmen did not immediately reply to requests for comment Wednesday.


One Response

  1. Larry Schwartz is a rasha, evil.

    He pushed the toeivah bill through in NY state a few years ago. He pushed the Governor to push it through.

    Now both of them will be paying in a big way for breaking the Noahide code that G-d commanded as bedrock morality for human civilization, by redefining marriage to include what the Torah-Bible calls abomination.

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