Names of Six Additional IDF Fallen Cleared for Release

BtFxrvjCQAAxGwVThe IDF has cleared publishing the names of six additional fallen. The six were all killed in the Gaza operation during the past 24 hours.

Lt.-Colonel Dolev Kedar, 39, from Modi’in
Commander of the Geffen Battalion in Base 1, Officers Training Base. He was killed when a rocket struck the jeep responding to the early morning terrorist infiltration. He is survived by a wife and a son.

Sgt Tal Yifrach, 21, from Rishon L’Tzion (was published earlier today)
He was killed in an encounter in Gaza during the predawn hours. He is survived by his parents Aviv and Shalom, his older sister Noi (23) and his companion Naim.

Sgt Nadav Goldmacher, 23, from Beersheva
He was killed when a rocket struck the jeep he was in which was responding to the terrorist infiltration near Kibbutz Erez during the early morning hours. He was a cadet in Officers Training School.

Staff-Sgt. Baynesin Kashun, 39, from Netivot
Killed from the rocket fire that struck his jeep responding to the early morning terrorist infiltration.

2nd-Lt. Yuval Heiman, 21, from Efrat
Killed from the rocket fire that struck his jeep responding to the early morning terrorist infiltration. He is survived by his parents, a younger brother and two younger sisters. He was a cadet in Base 1, Officers Training School.

Sgt. Jordan Ben-Simone, 22, from Ashkelon
Killed in predawn fighting in Gaza.

Sgt. Yuval Dagan, 22, from Kfar Sava
Another member of the Golani Brigade which is being hit hard. He was killed during the predawn hours in the fighting. He is survived by his parents Ovadia and Rachel as well as his 25-year-old brother Yarden.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

25 Responses

  1. “and his companion”. What’s a companion? If it means what I think it means, then we have a major moral problem.

  2. to#1. I am sure when his Neshoma gets to Shamayim , he will asked the first question. what is a ‘companion’? You really need to get your frumkeit reset. I , and everyone else, should care less what that means. He sacrificed his life for Yidden. What are you doing to help Yidden other than writing Loshon Hora. You should not be allowed on this site .

  3. ObservantJew, he was killed fighting to save Eretz Yisrael from the Yishmaeilim and you seem safe and ok. He has died for klall yisrael and has earned his kapara.

  4. @ObservantJew

    A fellow Jew died defending his people and you want to kick dirt on his memory.

    At least wait 24 hours before you feel the need to self righteously call him a sinner and degenerate.

  5. It doesn’t lessen his sacrifice, but it’s a very serious aveira, and nothing is washed away because of anything else.

  6. Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet. Please do not say anything against these soldiers. They sacrificed their lives to protecting our nation Am Yisrael!! They have given the ultimate sacrifice. Their families are hurting and in pain. No matter who they are, they are ALL our brothers. Now is the time to unite, not be divisive. May Hashem avenge their blood.

  7. Numbers 2-5: Shame on you for your knee-jerk emotional responses. Number 1 responded very measuredly and appropriately. We take our moral judgements from the Torah, which clearly calls such a relationship a “To’eva”, and does not list any exceptions or cases in which one is exempt from this moral judgement. And even so, Number 1 did not actually judge him or call him any names (unlike certain other commentators). If anything, I believe that the “moral problem” to which he refers is that which YWN, which is purportedly a Kosher site, reports that he is “survived” by his “companion”, which is certainly not a Torah-true viewpoint. (I suspect that this was unwittingly copied from a non-Kosher source). I, and I am sure many others, were similarly taken aback when they saw that line in the obituary. And it goes without saying that none of this precludes one from mourning the loss of a precious Jew, or appreciating his sacrifice for the Klal.

  8. A wise man once said (really it’s a CHaZa”L), “it is always an aveirah to tell a lie, but it is not always a mitzvah to tell the truth” (מפני ג’ דברים משנה אדם את דבריו). All Observant Jew was doing was saying that line does not belong on this or any other Jewish, Torah observant site. The lashon ha’ra is not Observant Jew’s, but YWN’s. It should be removed along with any comments referencing it.

  9. #3 CRAETIVE – I agree with you that no comments should have been made. However, I disagree on one point of yours. They are not going to ask him anything in Shamiyim. They will bring him straight to his portion as is the case with any Jew that dies Al Kiddush Hashem.

    May Hashem be Menacheim the families.

  10. 1.

    You brought up a good point and ywn editors should have removed it. Don’t be afraid to say what you think.

  11. #1,#7-

    איש שיזכהו הא-ל, לעלות במעלה עליונה כזאת, כלומר שנהרג על קדושת השם, אפילו היו עונותיו כמו ירבעם בן נבט וחבריו, הוא מעולם הבא, ואפילו לא היה תלמיד חכם, וכך אמרו ע”ה (פסחים נ’ א’ ע”ש) מקום שהרוגי מלכות עומדים אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במחיצתם כגון ר’ עקיבא וחבריו וכ”ש דאיכא תורה ומעשים טובים אלה הרוגי לוד.

    (רמב”ם, מאמר קידוש השם)


    It pains me to no end how you can take a word which was cleary translated from hebrew and distort it to think it means something else!!

    Do you not realize the great aveira of motzi sheim rah al hameisim!?!
    Especialy one that died al kidush hashem.

    (just to prove you wrong i took the lengths to clear his good name and looked at ynet website and the write a eulogy and toward the end they mentioned he was planning on getting married to a girl he knew… the only reason i feel the need to post this is to straighten another yids good name THAT MANY OF YOU SHMUTZED UP WITHOUT THINKING!!!!!!!

  13. rabbiofberlin: 1) “Naim” is not a girl’s name; 2) Had she been a girlfriend, there would have been no mention of her; and 3) Even if so, it would be no more appropriate to mention her.

  14. Rabbi of Berlin: “Survived by his . . .” fill in the blank . . . implies, on a Jewish site anyway, that the individual named is obligated to mourn for the niftar. That would not be the case with a companion of any gender. Na’im is zachor, Na’imah would be nekeivah.

  15. Teshuva, Tefila, and Tzedaka

    Moreover, especially Comment #1

    This is what will redeem the Geula –
    We are Rachamim Bnei Rachamim

  16. As of now, the statement hasn’t been corrected. There was no need to publicize the improprieties of a Kadosh.

  17. Its a girl. Check the israeli hebrew websites and you will see i am right.

    He was almost engaged to her, probably the reason it was mentioned altogether.

    Its disgusting to be motzi sheim rah about a dead person.

  18. Observant jew:
    I think you owe this soldier an apology. I shudderwhen thinking how you will do that.

    Maybe now during in the 3 weeks people should be more careful to think before posting.

  19. #16- Yishar Koach. Here is his obituary from ‘Yisrael Hayom’:

    סמ”ר טל יפרח, בן 21 מראשון לציון
    סמ”ר טל יפרח, בן 21 מראשון לציון, נהרג בהיתקלות עם מחבלים ברצועת עזה. טל, לוחם בחטיבת גולני, יובא לקבורה היום בשעה 11 בבית העלמין הצבאי בראשון לציון
    “בעוד שלושה חודשים הוא היה אמור להשתחרר”, סיפרו חברים שהגיעו אמש לנחם את ההורים, “הוא דיבר על השחרור וחיכה לו, אבל לא בגלל שלא אהב את הצבא, להפך. הוא היה מאושר בתפקיד שלו ולא התלונן אף פעם. תמיד נראה מחייך ומבסוט וגולני היתה האהבה השנייה שלו, נוסף על חברתו”. קרוב משפחה הוסיף כי ביום חמישי שוחחו איתו ההורים. הוא אמר שהכל בסדר ושלא צריך לדאוג ושידבר איתם ברגע שתהיה הפוגה
    טל למד בתיכון מקיף ח’ הקרוב לבית מגוריו בעיר והיה פעיל בספורט ובתנועת מכבי הצעיר. “זה האיש שתמיד רצית לידך בחבורה”, סיפרו חבריו, “שר, מנגן, סוחף את כולם בחיוך ספורטאי שלא אהב להפסיד והדביק את כולם ברצון תמיד לנצח. הגבר של השכבה למרות שהוא לא היה שחצן והסתכל לכולם בגובה העיניים. הוא תמיד עזר, בעיקר בבית להורים, חשב תמיד איך להצליח במשהו שחשב לעשות. קשה מאוד עם העובדה שהוא לא כאן איתנו. שלא נראה את החיוך שלו
    טל השאיר אחריו הורים, אביבה ושלום, ואחות בת 23

  20. No commenter was Motzi Shem Ra. Nobody made assumptions. The obituary written above clearly says something. It may be wrong or simply misleading, but the written words really do have only one meaning.

  21. Thats still not a reason to jump to conclusions that might distort someones good name.

    Try to imagine it was you

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