Kerry Caught On Hot Mic Seemingly Slamming Israel’s Gaza Op

kerryThe following is a Politico article:

Secretary of State John Kerry was caught on an open mic just before his interview with “Fox News Sunday” candidly speaking about the conflict in Gaza.

“It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation, it’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” Kerry said to an aide on the phone, with some measure of frustration.

His comments seemed to be criticizing the Israeli government’s assurances about the limited scope of its attack and ground invasion of Gaza.

Kerry, speaking by phone to one of his top aides, then added: “We’ve got to get over there. Thank you John. I think John, we ought to go tonight. I think it’s crazy to be sitting around.”

Kerry was confronted on air by host Chris Wallace, who asked if Kerry was implying that the Israeli government had gone too far in its Gaza operations.

“While you were on camera and while you were on microphone, you just talked to one of your top aides about the situation in Israel and the fact that 14 Israelis have apparently been shot and killed in an operation,” Wallace said.

Kerry stood by his comments, while defending Israel’s right to defend itself.

“It’s tough to have these kind of operations. I reacted, obviously, in a way that anybody does with respect to young children and civilians,” Kerry said,

“War is tough. I’ve said that publicly and I’ve said it again. We defend Israeli’s right to do what it is doing,” Kerry said.

“We support Israel’s right to defend itself against rockets that are continuing to come in. Hamas has started its process of rocketing after Israel was trying to find the people who killed three young [people] — one American kid, three young Israelis,” Kerry said.

(Source: Politico)

14 Responses

  1. I am reminded about something Craig Nettles said about George Steinbrenner: 

    “The more we lose, the more Steinbrenner will fly in. And the more he flies, the better the chance there will be a plane crash.”

    One wonders if the same would apply here.

  2. Whatever this idiot, Kerry, says, is exactly what Obama wants him to say. This dufuss is just a puppet for Hussain.

  3. “Hamas has started its process of rocketing after Israel was trying to find the people who killed three young [people]”
    The part that he clearly doesn’t get is that the rocket issue has been going on for years. It’s only when Israel begins defending itself that anyone acknowledges that, oh, yeah, Hamas is firing at them, too.

  4. “Hamas has started its process of rocketing after Israel was trying to find the people who killed three young [people] — one American kid, three young Israelis,” Kerry said.

    Huh? This all started a few weeks ago?! How MA Y people out there are going to believe this spin? Probably most; the same ones who believe in global warming, that Al Gore invented the Internet, that President Obama is not a Muslim, that we will be able to keep our insurance and our doctors, etc. This is scary.

  5. I guess the United States has a Pinpoint Operation in Afghanistan, or that they call before they’re about to bomb.

  6. Yes, Mr. Kerry had better get out there real quick. And he’d better not go to some posh hotel in Tel Aviv. Let him sleep in the border communities tonight. Let HIM run for the shelters. Better yet, let him go sit in solidarity with his buddies from Hamastan. Let him sleep in one of the booby trapped “civilian homes” in Gaza. And then, there will be no more Mr. Kerry. He is a modern day Haman cloaked in “diplomacy” and “politics”.

  7. We still have to learn to ignore. Let’s find the point that we’re better than these goyim by just doing simple mitzvos for now — encouraging other Jews to light Shabbos candles Friday afternoons and to put tefillin by day.

  8. Hey UncleMo,
    I’m truly sorry but I need to tell you that I totally disagree with you.
    It is my feeling and wish that Kerry (the idiot) and his boss, wannabe Ayatollah Obummer should go to the front lines and walk into Gaza City with water pistols in hand to protect the Jewish. No security, just the 2 of them. I’ll even save the American or Israeli government the expense. I’ll buy the pistols. All they need to do is tell me what color they prefer. I do know that it isn’t blue or white.

  9. There is noting reported in this article that can be construed as evidence of anti-Israel opinion by Mr. Kerry or his boss. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a nudnik.

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