Eleph L’Mateh אלף למטה

tehillOn the eve of Shabbos Parshas Matos, HaGaon Rabbi Simcha HaKohen Kook shlita and the Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim shlita make an urgent call to have every active soldier partnered in solidarity with someone praying for their safety under the banner of “Eleph Lamateh Eleph Lamateh” אלף למטה אלף למטה (Bamidbar 31:4)

Nine years ago the Bostoner Rebbe zt”l and (ybchl”ch) Rabbi Simcha HaKohen Kook shlita organized the Jewish people to stand in solidarity with the soldiers battling for the continued existence of the Jewish people under the banner of “Eleph Lamateh Eleph Lamateh”, which Chazal explain to mean that for each soldier in battle, the was one individual designated to daven on their behalf.

With modern technology we can mobilize both our troops and those davening for them faster than ever.

At this critical moment, as the ground operation have begun, we implore that family and friends of soldiers put the Hebrew name(s) of these soldiers in our Eleph L’Mateh spreadsheet which can be accessed by anyone anywhere using this link.

Likewise, those who wish to take on the individual responsibility to daven for one individual soldier should sign up on our ElephL’Mateh spreadsheet as well.

At this critical moment, as the ground operation have begun, we implore that family and friends of soldiers put the Hebrew name(s) of these soldiers in our Eleph L’Mateh spreadsheet which can be accessed by anyone anywhere using this link.
Likewise, those who wish to take on the individual responsibility to daven for one individual soldier should sign up on our ElephL’Mateh spreadsheet as well.
Please forward this message to everyone else that you know via e-mail. Everything is anonymous and no one should be worried about identity theft or personal security.
If you internet filter is blocking out virtual spreadsheet Eleph L’Mateh, please e-mail the Secretariat of the Bostoner Rebbe at [email protected] with the information of the soldier or the desire to daven for a soldier, and the Secretary will do this for you.

Those who need call in information by phone should contact the Secretary at 972-2-586-1179

Please forward this message to everyone else that you know via e-mail. Everything is anonymous and no one should be worried about identity theft or personal security.

Signed                                                             Signed

The Bostoner Rebbe shlit”a                      Rabbi Simcha HaKohen Kook shlit”a

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


4 Responses

  1. This is a beautiful idea. The Bostoner Rebbe’s spreadsheet has 149 soldier’s names so far & all are taken. Is the Shmiras project connected or is this a separate endeavor?
    May Hashem protect each of our boys & every person in harm’s way.

  2. The ShmiraProject is a more comprehensive work. You sign up and they provide you with the name of a soldier on active duty, not only during the present war, but always. When that soldier goes off active duty, the Project is informed and they inform the one spiritually responsible for him. Then they provide the name of a different soldier on active duty.
    It seems to work like many of the local N’shei Shmiras HaLashon systems where women accept upon themselves to absolutely refrain from forbidden speech for an hour a day in the merit of someone.
    Perhaps it would be a good idea to organize that people should accept to absolutely refrain from Lashon Hara for a hour a day in the merit of the soldier(s). When the women do it, it absolutely works miracles.

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