Mitzvos We Can Fulfill as the Sirens Wail

kasThe following was forwarded by Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein ​Shlita ​the head Rabbi of the council in Ramat Elchanan in B’nai Brak.

There are five mitzvos d’Or​y​sa that we can perform upon hearing the siren blast in Israel:

1) Implant in our heart​s​ Ein Od Milvado – It is all from Hashem Yisborach. Every rocket has an address – trust in Hashem. Rabbeinu Yonah ztk’l writes in his sefer Shaare Teshuvah that when ​we experience distress or sorrow – ​we should implant trust in ​our hear ​​t​s​ that yeshuat Hashem can come at any moment, as is ​also written time and time again throughout perkei Tehillim.

2) At the moment the siren sounds recite perkei Tehillim and pray that it does not harm any Jew. By doing so we are mekayem the mitzvah d’Orysa: when a person experiences troubles we should pray to HKBH that He save us ​ from our sorrows​.

3) During these moments we should experience heerhurei teshuvah, thoughts of teshuvah, as taught by the Rambam when a person find himself in times of trouble, and more so when the ​entire ​Jewish nation is experiencing collective sorrow we should plead with Hashem​ and do teshuvah.

It is a special time to recite the​ verse ​, “Atah ​Tzaddik ​al kol habah ahlay ki Emes Asseesa v’Ani hershatee ( ​You are just in all that happens, as ​Your ways are Emess but I am the one who s​trayed).​”​ This is a segulah to nullify all harsh judgments.

4) After the rocket has been fired ​and/​or fallen onto open fields and B”H no one has been harmed​,​ there is another positive mitzvah: “To praise Hillulim and Tishbachot (songs of praise and appreciation) to Hashem Yisborach”. Rav Zilberstein Shlita added that the pasuk in Tehillim ​(35:18​)​ is especially appropriate “Odcha b’kahal rav, b’ahm atzoom a’Hallelecha ( ​I will publicly acknowledge You in a great congregation, I will praise You in a mighty throng)”

The gematria​a​ of this pasuk is 5774.

5) Open your doors to those in need of shield and shelter from the rockets. If a person finds herself in the streets during a rocket siren and is looking for cover inside a building structure, open your doors to another Jew ​(verify this first) ​who is in danger. ​If you can, i​nvite other families who reside in the South to stay with you in quieter neighborhoods. ​ With that you are fulfilling the positive mitzvah of “Lo sa’amod ol dam re’iecha (​You shall not stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor )” and also the mitzvah of hachnasas orchim.

​There is reason, there is purpose. Let’s sweeten the judgments and hasten the geula​ by striving to fulfill these mitzvos. B”H, May we only hear good news and be dancing in the Beit HaMikdash soon, b’rachamim, b’karov, Amen.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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