BDE: Former IDF Lone Solder Among the Dead in Downed Malaysian Jet

candle914Israeli citizen and former lone IDF soldier Itamar Avnon was among the almost three hundred people who perished on the downed Malaysian jet over the Ukraine on Thursday. Itamar, who was traveling back to Australia after a visit to the Netherlands, was a lone soldier and served in Operation Cast Lead in 2009.

His father Dov posted the news on his Facebook page. His father wrote that while he survived his military service, he became a victim of a crashed plane over a battlefield in the Ukraine.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Very sad — for all doomed passengers on that flight. Interesting to note that Itamar wasn’t Jewish — although his father is. Unless something changed since the 2010 interview he gave to Isreality (Dutch site).

    This is not my opinion, but based on his words (per Google translate…) he identifies with Christianity as his mother is Christian.

    Again, it doesn’t take away from the tragedy, but thought others might find it informative.

  2. Correction, I’m not sure about his father’s religion as that part of the translation (or the original) was not clear to me. Any Dutch readers that can enlighten us?

  3. This is very sad and heartbreaking.

    It just comes to show that one doesn’t have to be in Israel- or anywhere in the Middle East whatsoever to be bombarded by missiles. Condolences to the families.

    While we are all experiencing miracles, let’s hope and pray that Itamar’s body will miraculously be recovered and that he will have a proper burial and kaddish.

    Hashem, while we don’t understand your ways and why certain things happen, please look at how much we have grown – as a unity – as a whole.

    Thank you for the countless miracles.
    Thank you for saving our lives everyday.
    Thank you for “diverting” Hamas’ missiles.
    Thank you for believing in us because we believe in you.

    While the whole world has shunned us,
    we haven’t shunned you.

    Aba, please continue watching over us and the IDF soldiers who are in the lion’s den in Gaza and making a Kiddush Hashem everyday.

  4. Very sad. Jewish or not, we are sad that a tragedy happened and also have hakaras hatov for protecting Am Yisrael.
    When will this crazy world turn right again?

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