Economy Ministry Launches an Emergency Internet Portal Related to Employment & More

kasAs part of its efforts to ensure the full flow of timely information to the public during Operation Protective Edge, the Economy Ministry has launched a new internet site that offers the public all the relevant information (in Hebrew) related to issues under its jurisdiction, including employment, child care, foreign trade and more.

Among other things, the ministry ensures easy access to information, updated in real time, related to parents, employees, employers, exporters, entrepreneurs, consumers, students, and business owners.

From the PR and Advocacy Division in the Economy Ministry: “This is a dedicated information portal, updated in real time and relevant to the special home front situation. The portal brings together into one easily accessible site all the essential information, press releases, updates, presentations and documents related to employment, trade and industry during Operation Protective Edge in particular and for emergency situations in general. Information includes, among others, employee rights, reservist rights, opening and closing of daycare under the control of the Economy Ministry, assistance for small and mid-sized businesses etc. – all against the background of the current emergency situation. In addition, the ministry continues to operate call centers spread around the country on an emergency footing.”

The Economy Ministry call center (1-800-20-11-80) operates from 07:30 – 20:00.

The Agency for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises at the Ministry of the Economy has launched a special webpage with up-to-date and relevant information (in Hebrew) for businesses about the security incidents and special conditions in the home front. The Agency for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises, which offers a single address for all businesspeople with services such as expert advice, business consultancy, guidance, and assistance in obtaining financing, is now operating in emergency format with a call center for information, advice, and aid at telephone 1-700-558-040.

Director of the Agency for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises, Ran Kaviti: “Businesspeople in the south, center, and basically nationwide, are invited to call the Agency and seek the help of expert advisers and the services we offer them. The Agency for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises at the Ministry of the Economy operates a range of consultancy and assistance programs for small and mid-sized enterprises and provides businesspeople with expert advice from people with extensive experience chosen for this purpose from the private sector. The cost of the consultancy is subsidized at 80 NIS per hour, compared with 400 NIS in the private market. We also jointly operate with the Accountant General financing solutions through the government backed loans fund. We reiterate our call to small and mid-sized enterprises in the south which face cash flow problems because of the situation: call us, we can help.”

The Ministry of the Economy hotline (1-800-20-11-80) has received hundreds of calls from the public inquiring about employment issues related to employee rights and obligations during an emergency, rights for compensation because of absenteeism, and information about the opening and closing of daycare centers around the country.

In view of these developments, the Ministry of the Economy wishes to make clarifications and answer oft-repeated questions:

* In an area where a “special home front situation” has been declared, one parent has the right to be absent from work to care for their child/ren up to the age of 14.

* An employer does not have the right to require an employee to come to work against the instructions of the Home Front Command.

* An employ which fires an absentee employee pursuant to Home Front Command orders is in apparent violation of the law.

* The Labor Court is authorized and has the right to void the layoff of an employee who acted in accordance with the guidelines and instructions of the Home Front Command and the law.

* Every person must obey Home Front Command instructions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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