Justice Dept. Investigating Missing IRS Emails

irsThe Justice Department says it’s investigating the circumstances behind the disappearance of emails from a former senior Internal Revenue Service official.

Deputy Attorney General James Cole says in prepared testimony to Congress that investigators are looking into missing emails from the computer of Lois Lerner. Cole is scheduled to appear Thursday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Lerner’s computer crashed in June 2011, resulting in the loss of records that are sought in investigations into whether the agency targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. At the time, the agency tried to recover Lerner’s records, without success.

Lerner is at the center of the controversy and has refused to answer questions from Congress, citing her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself.


3 Responses

  1. Lets audit the auditors and punish them the same way they punish people no excuses no pity. Lets c how they like it kind of like pulling over a speeding cop or a drunk cop

  2. Not that I have a suggested alternative, but this is the proverbial “fox guarding the hen house”. The Justice Department, with Eric Holder at its helm is one the immoral and corrupt branches of our federal government today. The lies, the withholding of needed enforcement, the overt forms of discrimination and unfairness characterize this agency, at least since Obama entered office. How can one trust one agency of the Executive Branch to honestly investigate the other? The bias is inherent.

  3. “Lerner’s computer crashed in June 2011, resulting in the loss of records that are sought in investigations into whether the agency targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. At the time, the agency tried to recover Lerner’s records, without success.”

    Lie. All government email, as with corporate email, would likely be stored on a central server similar to microsoft exchange. Individual computer crashes would not cause email to get lost.

    Audit her taxes and throw her in jail.

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