Search for Hamas Terrorists Near Hebron Continues

knThe search for the murderers of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach HY”D continues in the Hebron area. The IDF during the night arrested 25 wanted suspects throughout Yehuda and Shomron. Among those arrested were family members of Muhmad Kawasmeh, one of the two terrorists who remain at large. He and his accomplice, Iman Abu-Eisha kidnapped and murdered the boys on Thursday night the eve of 5 Sivan 5774.

Soldiers met with violent resistance during the arrests near Halhul, Kever Rochel, Bituniya and Jenin.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Perhaps they are looking in the wrong places? Posting Tomer Devorah’s 2 cents worth. Does it sound too crazy to be believable? Do you know who is arriving today to “help” broker a cease-fire? The foreign ministers of ITALY and GERMANY! EDOM AND AMALEK!!!

    What if the hours’ delay in reporting the kidnapped boys’ disappearance was NOT a royal foul-up? Why would there even be a policy in place where the person who took the emergency call had to run it up some chain of command? What if they were anticipating something like this and the delay was all part of some master plan? What if the Arabs are right about some of this? Maybe “Jews” did kidnap the kids. Maybe the kidnapping was a ploy to enable the government to take out Hamas operations in Judea and Shomron; to eliminate the PA “unity government,” as the Arabs are claiming. Why did the government keep reiterating that phrase “we’re operating under the assumption that the boys are still alive?” (Because they already knew they were dead.)

    Everyone expected there to be a claim of responsibility and a demand for a prisoner exchange because that’s what made sense. Now that sources are saying the kidnappers’ plan was always to kill the boys immediately, what did the kidnappers stand to gain? If it was for a shock factor, why hide the bodies? Why use silencers? It doesn’t seem to fit the Arabs’ MO, does it? I kept coming back to why the boys would willingly enter a car with two people who looked so obviously Arab (from the pictures we’ve been shown), but then I reasoned, well, if they wore kippot and it was dark, maybe they didn’t look closely enough. Then, I thought, well, we don’t even know that these are the kidnappers. All the papers are reporting is that these are the “suspected” kidnappers since they went missing, reportedly, at the same time the boys disappeared. And if the families say otherwise, who will believe the Arabs? They lie so much, you can’t believe anything they say.

    The media has been having a field day manipulating public opinion and sentiment with its reportage of half-truths, innuendo and outright falsehoods.

    a faction within the US government was behind both, just as I believe a faction in the US government ordered ‘hits’ against Rav Meir and Rav Binyamin Ze’ev and Talia Kahane, ztz”l, Hy”d. I never believed Arabs did that. It was made to look that way, but the Arabs had no interest in seeing the Kahanes dead, but the West did. They saw their ideology (true Judaism) as a real threat to their plans. Plus, they had just finished raiding their facilities in the US only a month before.

    That’s not to say that this regime is innocent. But, it’s only a cover – a charade of sovereignty. Those high up and who’ve been involved for a long time know the truth. The rest are as clueless as we are. The military and the police carry out the orders issued by the politicians, who each have their part to play and they read the script they are given and that’s it. I don’t think they are part of the planning. Well, maybe one is – the personal friend of the Pope in our government. Evil personified.

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