Senator Gillibrand Statement After Reports That hamas Targeted Israel’s Nuclear Reactor In Dimona

dimonaU.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) released the following statement today after recent news reports revealed that among 74 rockets launched by Hamas on Wednesday, three missiles were targeted at Israel’s main nuclear facility in Dimona. Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system intercepted one of the rockets while two others landed in open areas. Reports also show that Hamas fired a Syrian-made rocket about 78 miles from Gaza, the furthest penetration into Israel yet.

“I stand with the people of Israel in this difficult time and firmly support Israel’s right to self-defense against the shelling of towns and cities throughout the country by terrorists in Gaza.

“For several days, Israel has been forced once again to defend herself from aggression by a terrorist group that wants to see her destruction. The targeting of a nuclear facility is a deeply troubling and sobering escalation by Hamas that must be condemned while we also advance and strengthen the U.S.-Israeli cooperation on missile defense. This support is critical to protecting our nation’s strongest ally in the Middle East.

“My hope is the darkness of violence will be overtaken by the sunlight of peace and that innocent civilians will be free of fear. Everyone in the region must work towards that goal. Unfortunately, Hamas is once again showing that it seeks war and destruction rather than peace.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. how dumb can this Senator be,peace with who does she not understated that you cant make peace with monsters.

  2. how about saying thank you and speaking a little more respectfully, after all she wrote this in support of israel at a time when many think israel is the bully, an aggessor who is on the offensive. i am pretty sure any sane person knows you dont negotiate with terrorists, it may be optimistic to think there is a peaceful future with hamas yemach shemam but at least give her credit for speaking up

  3. Thank you Senator Gillibrand for coming out and supporting Israel. We appreciate it and need it very much. Our president won’t come out and say that.

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