Extras Needed for Five Towns Gad Elbaz Video Shoot

10457686_797783716906311_8182152148109435510_oProducers of an all new music video starring superstar Gad Elbaz have issued a casting call for men, women and children of all ages to appear in the upcoming project.  Titled “A Mother’s Dream”,  the video will be a Sparks Next Production, directed by filmmaker Danny Finkelman and will feature Elbaz singing an all new composition by Cecelia Margules capturing a mother leading her daughter to the chupah, as well as cameo appearances by known personalities in the Jewish music business.

 Filming will take place during the afternoon on Monday, July 14th at the Sephardic Temple of Cedarhurst located at 775 Branch Boulevard in Woodmere.  For further details email [email protected].

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