VIDEO: Colorado Man Offers Obama A Toke Of Marijuana – He Laughs



Marijuana-smoking Colorado residents are embracing President Obama, who puffed a lot of weed in his younger days, as one of their own.

A bar patron in Denver greeted the president Tuesday night by offering some of his pot, asking Mr. Obama, “Do you want to hit this?” The president laughed and smiled at the man but didn’t answer as he shook hands with other patrons.

The man who offered drugs to the president, Matt Anton, posted a photo of Mr. Obama on his Instagram account with the note, “Asked him if he wanted a hit of pot … he laughed! #legalizeit #inhaled.”

On the president’s motorcade route into Denver from the airport, someone held up a sign proclaiming, “Free weed for Obama.”

After Mr. Obama greeted a supporter outside the bar who was wearing a horse’s head mask, a reporter from Time magazine tweeted a Photo-shopped picture of the president confronting an entire group of people with horse heads, with the caption: “The moment POTUS remembered Maureen Dowd’s warning about the Denver cookies.”

(Source: Washington Times)

2 Responses

  1. I plan to vote for Ale Yarok (עלה ירוק “Green Leaf) in the next Israeli Knesset elections.

    Agudas Yisrael has done nothing about the loud speakers and litter in Brachfeld. With Ale Yarok we may at least be able to get marijuana legalized.

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