Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Issues An Urgent Call to Prayer

agudahEvents currently unfolding in Eretz Yisroel demand our tefillos on behalf of all our fellow Jews who are privileged to live on holy soil. Our rabbinic leadership has asked us to convey that simple, stark but urgent message to all of our constituents and supporters, indeed to all caring Jews.

As has been the practice in many shuls over past years, in response to the call of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, the recitation of Tehillim (Psalms) 83, 130 and 142 after Shacharis, followed by the tefila of Acheinu, is recommended. Indeed, our every prayer should include entreaties on behalf of our fellow Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

May our tefillos be received in mercy by Hakodosh Boroch Hu, and help usher in days of peace and security.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. I would have assumed EVERY shul, without regard to hashkafah, would have been saying the tfillah for EY every Shabbos, but certainly in these times. Even the Satmar who are not big fans of the Medinah shold be joining in davening for the safety and security of all those who have the z’chus of living in EY.

  2. Gadolhatorah – Why do you need to mix in your Zionist tfillah on Shabbos? Everyone will say tehillim, regardless of hashkafah, just as in previous similar situations in EY.

    Pleas don’t bring the State or Zionism into this. It is not relevant to the discussion whatsoever.

  3. godol.. from what I understand the gedolim have said to say tehillim and which kapetilach they did not say to say anything else. so your opinion against the gedolims ill go with the gedolim.

  4. The more kavana we put into saying “Amen, yehei Shemei Rabba” now can only help so that it won’t have to be said later on at levayos and Kaddish Yasom, Heaven forbid. חיים ומוות ביד הלשון.

  5. Please let’s not let comments deteriorate into any form of machlokes. Now with Eretz Yisrael in such a critical position, the least we can do is refrain from anything that would decrease our merits up in Shamayim. We need all the rachamim we can get now from Hashem. Instead of writing a comment that might cause machlokes, perhaps say a kapitel of Tehillim instead.

  6. When Lapid and his friends started trying to turn Israel to a total secular state, the Gedoilim warned us this could happen. Now that we see it happening, maybe it is time for the people of EY to speak up and throw out the apikursim from the government and strengthen Yiddishkeit through out the land. For more you can look up Divorim 32 Possik 21 and the commentaries on that Possik. This has been foretold in the Torah, Talmud, and Zohar as to the events of the end of days.

  7. To#6 “Gold”:

    Wow, what would we do without such a Tzaddik such as yourself? I see you’ve become the self appointed broken record phony Mashgiach of Yeshiva World.

  8. NUMBER 7 forget to mention to stop queer paradeS and life style in ERETZ HAKODESH. LET THEM GO TO SYRIA OR iRAN

  9. Very scary. We need to stand together and hold on. May the terrorism end. And may redemption come soon — We need to do whatever we can to help redemption come. Whether it’s prayer, learning, unity, good middos, and emunah. Be strong, may Hashem protect us

  10. I am trying to civil and not vengeful. First put HASHEM back into EY life and then government. Then slowly educate the general population with compassion and patience. The Gemorah in Sanhedrin/Chailek talked about the religious condition of today as well as the Zohar 2000 years ago (R. Eliezer Ben Aroch) testified about the level of religiousity of our people in the end of days. The Ohr Chiam HaKodesh talk about the 50th gate of tomai.
    We, the frum world, must try however to turn this around and help bring Moshiach!!!

  11. To “not getting involved” …when someone embarrasses someone or says something hurtful to them and they don’t respond in kind, it is a good opportunity to give a bracha. so i say, THANK YOU, “not getting involved,” for this opportunity to give a bracha that all the citizens of Eretz Yisrael should be safe and not harmed in any way – and that all our enemies should be destroyed immediately!

  12. We daven three times a day for EY.

    Tkah bshofar, Vlyurshalayim ircha, Vsechezena eineynu.

    There is even one we say for the government, Vlamalshinim.

  13. As has been the practice in many shuls over past years, in response to the call of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, the recitation of Tehillim (Psalms) 83, 130 and 142 after Shacharis, followed by the tefila of Acheinu, is recommended. Indeed, our every prayer should include entreaties on behalf of our fellow Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

    Klal Yisroel, the Gemara (Sotah 49a), tells us “After the Beis HaMikdosh was destroyed, ‘There is none who seeks and none who searches for Tzion.’” (Rosh Hashanah 30a). Meaning, when we are going through pain in exile and we ask aloud, “Ad Mosai, until when?!” [The words, “Ad Mosai” were originally asked by Hashem Himself (See Bemidbar 14:27)] (i.e. how long will these tragedies continue going on for?) However, if we look in Avos (1:15) it states, “If not NOW, then When?!” Perhaps Hashem is telling us the following message, “If you were really concerned enough about Tzion (i.e. seeking or searching for the root of its destruction) you would do something about it. If you are not, when will you show Me in your actions, that you are DOING SOMETHING to rectify – the sin of Loshon Hora – which ultimately caused its destruction?!” [See Yoma 9b (i.e. the second Beis HaMikdosh)]

    Does Hashem have to cause more tragedies to ‘force us’ to return to Him?! Why are we so inflexible in refusing to heed to the words of the Chofeitz Chayim? Do we think that by ignoring his advice we will find some other means that will lead to an improvement in our situation? Don’t we realize that “from the day that the Beis HaMikdosh was destroyed, there has been no day without its curse?!” (Sotah 48a)

    As our Sages have told us, “Any generation in which the Beis HaMikdosh is not rebuilt is considered as if they had destroyed it.” [Yerushalmi Yoma 1:1] The previous generations had the ABILITY, and should have RESPONDED to rectifying this sin (i.e. Loshon Hora), but they did not take care of this RESPONSIBILITY.

  14. From

    If we compare the era of the two kings, the Righteous King David and King Achav,who was considered wicked by many. We see an interesting observation. The generation of the wicked King Achav used to win tremendously in war despite the fact that Idolatry was at high levels in the land, while in the generation of King David they used to go out to war and suffer defeats, despite his great levels of righteousness (Devarim Rabba 5:6). The Rabbi’s teach us that despite during Achav’s tenure as King there were high levels of Idol Worship taking place, they had one
    huge merit, the people were united together. In King David’s time, despite the great levels of Torah, there was a lot of slander and baseless hatred among the Jews, which
    resulted in their downfall.

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